Chapter 4

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Ryder left the Tempest with Jaal and Vetra at her side while the others stretched their legs exploring the market.

"Stars, even the air here stinks." Jaal sniffed.

"Really?" Ryder said, taking a deep breath through her nose. "I find the smell of body odor and stale vomit charming. I think this would be a nice place for us to retire when this is all over." Jaals head whipped toward her with his mouth agape, releasing croak like stutters. She threw her head back and laughed. "I'm kidding Jaal. It's a joke."

He sighed with relief, shaking his head slightly. "I don't know if I'll ever understand human humor."

"It's not all that bad, Jaal." Vetra piped in. "Kadara is a place ripe with opportunity. A lot of my business runs through here."

"That only makes me question your business methods, Vetra Nyx." Jaal said as they arrived at Sloanes headquarters.

"Halt!" One of the guards posted at the door shouted.

"I'm here to speak with Sloane at her request." Ryder said.

The guards looked at each other and nodded. "Ok, but keep your weapons holstered. We won't hesitate to kill you if you try anything." One said and the door opened.

They entered, passing more armed guard as they made their way down the platform where Sloane sat in her makeshift throne. Ryder didn't particularly care much for Sloane. The only thing they shared in common was their distaste of Director Tann, to which Sloane had very good reason, but it didn't excuse the type of leader she was now that she was free of the Initiative.

Her favor of the Outcasts allowed them to harass and swindle innocent citizens, like the Angara who remained after their own leaders had abandoned it years prior. When she came to be in charge anyone that wished to remain living in the safety of Kadara Port was forced to pay 'protection' fees or be thrown out into the lands hostile environment with nothing. As far as Ryder was concerned she was nothing more than a power hungry bully, using everyone's fear of the Kett as a bargaining tool to make everyone believe she was their only hope of survival. It was a disgraceful display of humanity, one Ryder had to ensure to every new alliance was not what they represented.

"So here you are Pathfinder." Sloane said in her usual tone of disgust.

"Sloane." Ryder said with just as much bite. "I thought you said you couldn't be friends with an Initiative lap dog?"

"Did I say that? Must have slipped my mind." She smirked.

"What do you want? I don't have all day." Ryder barked, finding it more difficult to keep civil with every passing moment.

Sloane tilted her head back, releasing a hearty laugh before returning her nonchalant gaze to Ryder. "Yes, you do. At least, if you want that fancy outpost of yours, you will give me all the time I need."

Ryder ground her teeth together, her gloves squeaking as she tightened her hands into balled fists at her sides. She wanted nothing more than to put a bullet between the bitches eyes, but that would set them back months. And that was time she as well as Sloane knew they didn't have.

"That's what I thought." Sloane chuckled.

Ryders temples began to pound as she bit down harder, her hands now gripping each other behind her back. It took everything she had not to allow her twitching fingers to reach for her weapon.

"Ryder, your blood pressure is dangerously elevated. Recommendation deep breathing repetition." Sam said through their private channel.

She couldn't open her mouth to respond. She knew if she did there was a high probability she would say something that would risk everything they have worked so hard for.

"What's the matter Pathfinder? Kett got your tongue?" Sloane pressed with a wicked grin.

Suddenly Jaal stepped forward. "Enough!" He bellowed. "Either tell us what it is that you require or we will leave."

Sloane scoffed, holding a hand out toward the door. "Then by all means, leave. You'd be doing me a favor."

Vetra clicked her tongue, joining Ryders side. "Are you sure about that? Your email seemed pretty urgent. And from what I've heard, your leadership is being questioned. My guess? Your having trouble with the Collective. So why don't we save this pissing contest for later and you just tell us what it is you want from us."

Sloane sat back, pressing her fingers together as she eyed the three of them before her. "Fine. It is like you say. The Collective has infiltrated my men and has caused some to doubt my ability."

"And let me guess, you want me to put a stop to them before you end up overthrown?" Ryder spat.

"They can try." Sloane hissed. "But yes, I can't afford to lose anymore of my men to their stupidity and figured it would be better to send a...neutral party."

"Where are they located?" Ryder asked.

"No one knows." Sloane admitted. "They operate from the shadows. We're not even certain if it is a group operating together or a single person. They never leave loose ends. Anyone that learns the slightest piece of information about them is found dead shortly after retainment."

"Well that's helpful." Ryder said sarcastically.

"Don't you think if it were easy you'd even be standing here?" Sloane said.

"Fine, I'll figure it out." Ryder said.

"I know you will, or you can kiss that outpost goodbye." She said, leaning forward, eyeing Ryder dangerously. "Now get out."

The moment the door opened Ryder bolted through the market, heading to Kralla's Song. "Where are we going?" Jaal asked, taking one step for each of her two.

"To the bar. I need a drink." Ryder said, practically running.

"Sounds good to me. Nothing like a little break after a days worth of flexing." Vetra agreed as the door to the bar opened.

The smell of questionable concoctions both synthetic and organic already putting Ryder at ease. "Agreed."

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