Chapter 8

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The market glowed with the orange hue of the setting sun. "Alright! Does everyone remember their positions?" Ryder asked as they all huddled outside of Kralla Song's entrance.

"Yea, yea. Let's make this quick. I want to make sure I have enough time to drink." Drack said, rolling his shoulders like a bull preparing to charge.

"Drack, mission first, then drinks." Ryder said, turning to the door. "And if we pull this off, I'm buying."

They pushed through the doors and were immediately met with a massive crowd, covering every inch of open space from wall to wall. Lights strobed in beat to the ear numbing music, making it difficult to hear or think.

"Ryder, the room is over capacity." Sam said through their earpieces.

"Shit!" Ryder hissed.

Cora stepped up beside her wearing a smirk. "Is this a good time to say I told you this was a terrible idea."

"No!" Ryder yelled, barely able to hear herself over the electronic noted music. "Sam! Can you tell me how many people are here?"

"If you use your scanner from the upper level I should be able to gage an accurate reading." He said.

"Got it!" She said, turning to the rest of her crew. "Alright everyone, nothing has changed! Get to your positions and start scanning."

They all dispersed into the crowd as Ryder ran up stairs with Cora. Once they reached the top Cora took position at the door as Ryder forced her way to the ledge. She held out her arm, trying to initiate her scanner, but the swarm of dancing bodies kept bumping into her, making her unsteady.

"Ryder, the scanner must remain steady in order to get an accurate reading." Sam said.

Ryder growled and turned around, ready to physically threaten those behind her when she spotted Cora across the way. Cora rolled her eyes and reached out with one arm, releasing a purple biotic surge before pulling those closest to Ryder away from her, giving her the space she needed.

Ryder smiled and gave her a tight nod when Cora bellowed through her earpiece. "Hurry up! I need to get back to the Tempest to water my plants!"

With her mind back on task Ryder initiated the scanner once again. It pixilated in her ear as Sam ran equations. "There are two-hundred and five guests Ryder. You will each need to scan fifteen people to fully complete the mission." Sam said.

"You have got to be shitting me!" Cora bellowed.

"What a party!" Peebee squealed. "I wonder what for."

"That's a hell of a lot of people Pathfinder." Liam interjected.

Shit! Ryder thought, chewing her bottom lip. She knew there was always the possibility of surprises on missions, but this was completely unexpected.

Suddenly Vetra piped in through the station. "I think I know why this is happening."

"Why?" Ryder asked.

"Apparently Umi decided to take it upon herself to do some marketing of her new secret cocktail." Vetra replied.

"For fucks sake." Ryder bellowed, looking at the crowd below.

"What's our orders Pathfinder?" Liam asked.

"Keep scanning." She said, gripping the railing. "I'm gonna have a little chat with Umi."

She slowly made her way down the stairs. The smell of sweat and pheromones assaulted her nose as she pushed through the crowd of grinding bodies. She watched her step, trying not to trip when she spotted Jaal on the far side of the room. He stood as close to the wall as he could, his face showing the misery he was experiencing when an Angaran female clearly faked faint and landed in his arms.

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