Chapter 7

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Ryder woke the next morning in a foul mood. While the ache between her legs; inherently due from the total cock blocks she called her friends was gone, the lingering effects now clouded her mind.

She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, bracing her elbows on her knees. She forced out a heavy sigh and rubbed her hands over her face, pulling harshly on the delicate skin. If her mom were here she would scold her, saying she will ruin her youthful look if she continued such treatment, but at this very moment, wrinkles be damned.

She looked over her shoulder, seeing the bed empty of a rather large Angaran. "Sam? Where's Jaal?"

"He's been in the Tech lab since last evening." He answered.

"Wait, he didn't come to bed at all last night?"

"No. But he did request for me to tell him when you have awoken." He said.

"Did he say why he didn't come to bed last night?" She asked.


Her brow twitched as irritation began to itch it's way inside her. He hadn't stayed in the Tech Lab since they solidified their relationship. Her room was no longer her room, it was theirs. He knew that, she told him on more than one occasion. Perhaps he was finally feeling embarrassed after they got caught. Or maybe he was finally feeling a delayed frustration due to denying his body the release it demanded so strongly yesterday.

Her brow peaked with interest and suddenly her frustration twisted into curiosity. A curiosity she had to sate. "Hey Sam?"

"Yes, Ryder?"

"I need you to do me a favor, but it has to stay between us alright?" She said with a devious grin.

"Of course, Ryder."

"So I...I need you to scan Jaal, but don't tell him."

"But you orders were not to scan anyone without their consent unless a dyer situation was present." He replied.

"I know what I said, but I'm gonna waive the order this time only ok? I..." she chewed on her bottom lip, thinking of an excuse that seemed less along the lines of childish immaturity. "I-I'm worried about Jaal. Yea, I just want to make sure he isn't under any....stress. You know, for the mission to be successful I need him to be in top shape." She said.

Sam was silent for a brief moment. "Ok. Should I scan the rest aiding in tonight's mission?"

Ryders sly smile fell and she quickly raised her hands, waving them back and forth. "No no no, just Jaal. Tell me when you're do-"

"Done." He said, cutting her off.

"O-oh ok." She said, surprised by how quick he was.

"There is nothing to worry about, Ryder. All of his levels are reading normal."

"Ok. What about his mood? Did he seem, frustrated? Irritated?" She questioned, hoping to hear her desperation wasn't only one sided.

"No, quite the opposite. He was whistling an Angaran tune and smiling."

A wave of disappointment crashed into her along with the embarrassment that she had been the only one feeling so childishly. She groaned and threw herself back on the bed, pulling a pillow over her face, hoping her fitful screams would release the irritation.

"Ryder, your oxygen levels are decreasing and your mood has become unstable."

"I know Sam. I just...I need a moment." She muffled from under the pillow.

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