Chapter 14

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The morning sun pulled at the darkness behind Ryder's sleeping lids, beckoning her to wake. She balanced on the hazy line of consciousness, refusing the call to begin the day. Who could ever willingly leave such comfort? She huddled under the blankets, drifting back into the dreaming vortex of her subconscious when a voice called out to her.

"Good Morning Ryder, a new email from Addison has been received at your terminal." Sam said over the node.

The thought of leaving the warm tightly knitted cocoon she'd formed over night seemed cruel. It was so cozy, so perfect. She groaned, rolling under the covers in a fit of protest. "I don't care! She's waited this long, two more hours won't kill her."

"Im afraid that is impossible. She has scheduled your address to the public to be recorded at eight a.m." He replied.

"What time is it?"


"Un-fucking-believable!" She growled as she sat up, yanking the blankets free from around her. She stood from her bed, stretching her arms high above her head as she shuffled to the terminal. She slumped into the chair and typed in her passcode, her eyes burning from the glare of the fluorescent screen.


I have scheduled your public address for the Kadara outpost at 8 a.m. sharp. DON'T be late.


She leaned back and scoffed, flicking a middle finger at the message in bitter resentment when the smell of something delectable filtered through her nose, making her mouth water and her stomach growl. "Hey Jaal, do you smell that?" She asked spinning around, seeing nothing but ruffled blankets and molded pillows. "Stars, is it a sin to sleep in for the Angara or something?" She mumbled before quickly getting dressed and leaving the room.

The moment the door opened the overwhelmingly pleasant smell hit her like a fumed wall. She breathed deeply, following the scent to the kitchen where she saw Drack standing in front of the stove, whistling a happy tune. He stirred the contents in a pot with one hand while flipping something that slightly resembled a purple colored ham steak in the other.

"Wow, what's all this for?" She said, walking up beside him, trying to peek over his shoulder to see inside the pot.

He quickly covered it with the lid and stepped to the side, blocking her view. "It's a surprise."

She leaned back with a quirked brow. "Oh? Is it someone's birthday or something?"

He let out a throaty chuckle. "Nah, I just thought I could do something...uh...nice, you know, since you got us the last outpost."

She stepped back, placing a hand to her chest. "Wait, this for me?"

He nodded lightly, keeping his focus on the searing meat in the pan when he snorted. "I tried to finish before you woke up, but you ruined it."

She smiled wide and wrapped her arms around his massive scaly bicep, hugging it tightly. "You're the sweetest Krogan in the universe Drack. You know that?"

He cleared his throat, awkwardly poking the 'ham steak' with the spatula when he growled. "Yea well, don't go spreading that around. I don't need the clan thinking I've gone soft."

She laughed, releasing him from her appreciative clutches. "You are many things Drack, but soft isn't exactly one of them."

"Good." He snorted. "Now grab a seat, food's almost ready."

She smiled, practically skipping to the table. After a few moments of final preparation he placed a large plate down in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as she scanned over the colorful array. He shaved the purple steak into thin strips, and where scrambled eggs?  She leaned in, the warm steam kissing her face with the slightest moisture as she breathed in, trying to place the familiar yet, foreign smells.

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