Chapter 11

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Jaal paced around their room, hemming and hawing while Ryder took a much needed shower. From the moment he watched the sun rise and begin the day the events of last night had plagued him, bombarding him with a mixture of emotions and questions. While he had informed her of what she needed to know of the mission, he wasn't sure if he should tell her of everything else that had transpired. How Peebee not only convinced her to perform, but to do so wearing something that resembled tattered cloth taken off a fiend victim. Or that a Turian did in fact make advances and lick its vile tongue across her neck. He clenched his jaw, his fingers pulling tightly into his palms as the menacing scene flashed from memory. Oh how he wished he could be permitted to find the beast and use him as target practice. It was after all necessary for him to keep his skills sharp.

In an attempt to keep himself from doing something he would later come to regret he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, willing his thoughts to change to something more pleasant. The scene of the Turians vile act faded into darkness when he was met with the sight of Ryders darkened eyes staring back at him. How she looked down at him as if starved and he was the only thing that could sate her.

He wondered if he should tell her of how she so passionately pursued him? Or of how they were unfortunately cut short due to...Stars, he dared not think of it. But even so, he could not deny the yearning that quelled deep inside of him, keeping him awake through the night, wanting her in ways she could not even imagine. Should he tell her? Would she even want to know?

He stopped in the center of the room and looked out at the panoramic view of the depressing wasteland. The memory of her eager touch burned into him, causing his blood to boil with need. A need that will require more time than they had at the moment. "The sooner we get off this trash rock, the better." He sighed.

"I believe you mean trash heap." Ryder laughed.

Jaal jolted slightly from the unexpected answer and turned around, seeing Ryder running a towel over her damp hair. "D-darling...I...I thought you were in the shower?"

"I was, can't you tell?" She smiled, pulling down on the collar of her t-shirt, showing him the smooth, dye free skin on her chest.

His eye twitched, desperately fighting the urge to rush over and rip the shirt off with his bare hands. "Y-yes. I see." He said, walking to the nightstand and picking up the ear buds from their charging station. He pinched them between his fingers, trying to focus his mind on the small curiosities. Anything to keep his mind from drifting to the salacious thoughts that threatened to consume him.

Ryder inhaled deeply, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Her body felt so energized it were as though last night never happened. "Man that stuff Lexi gave me works wonders." She said, tossing her towel on the lounge chair. She started to turn toward her terminal when something unfamiliar folded across the chairs arm caught her eye. "Jaal?" He turned, seeing her pick up the leather suit, holding it out to him. "What is this?" She asked.

Shit. He thought. Why didn't I dispose of that wretched thing. He fidgeted the earbuds between his nervously twitching fingers, accidentally dropping them on the floor. "Um, it's..." he stuttered, bending over to pick them up only to drop them again. Finally getting them in hand he quickly and safely placed them back into the charging station. "That is..." he looked at Ryder as she stared at him with a quirked brow and he sighed. "That is what you...performed in....last night."

"What?" She gasped, releasing it from her hands to cover her mouth."You've got to be kidding me? Please, tell me Liam has you working on human humor or something. Right?" She pleaded, looking up from the leather pile on the floor.

How could this be humorous? She was embarrassed, vulnerable. He hardly thought the time appropriate for such a thing as humor. Sure he was always up for fun, but this? Did humans find this type of situation funny? After a moments pause he shook his head and she whined, covering her face with her hands. "Stars I'm such an idiot! Some Pathfinder I've turned out to be, huh? Dad would be so proud."

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