Chapter 18

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"Sara!" Jaal cried, watching helplessly as she writhed in pain before hitting the floor with an eerie thud. Her head wilted toward him, her eyes open. It was in that very moment his worst fear had come to life.  He choked back a breath that tried to fill his lungs as he witnessed the vacancy of life in her body. His heart seized in his chest as he continued to stare back into her dim, lifeless eyes. His Darling one, his beacon of light, of purpose, was gone.

"Sam!" He roared, his muscles practically tearing as he strained against the field. "Please! Quickly!"

"Stimulating the cardiovascular core..." Sam stated. "No activity."

"Come on Kid!" Drak urged.

"Sara!" Jaal called to her, pushing away the horrific thoughts that pressed on his mind. He couldn't allow himself to imagine the worst, he wouldn't. He refused.

"Stimulating the cardiovascular vascular core..." Sam repeated.

Jaal held his breath, counting silently. Ninety-three...ninety-four...ninety-five. Get up. Ninety-six...ninety-seven. Please. Ninety-eight...ninety-nine. I beg you. One-hundred. It's taking too long!

"Sara! Get up!" He demanded.

Suddenly Ryder lurched forward, gasping for breath. Her eyes looked around frantically when she looked down, placing a hand to her stomach. "Sam!" She breathed.

As if reading her mind, he answered. "The baby's vitals are within normal range."

"Thank the Stars." She sighed, lightly patting her stomach. "We did it little one. We're okay."

"Glad both kids are okay, but do you mind getting us down?" Drak interrupted.

"Oh, right!" She got to her feet and walked toward the field controls. She tilted her head and push a couple buttons. "This ought to do it." She said, flipping the final switch. A dull beep echoed through the room as field disengaged when the sound of heavy footsteps rushed her from behind.

Before she could turn around Jaal's hands were cupping her face, pulling her lips to his in a searing kiss. He kissed her deeply, his hands clinging to her desperately. Her mind started to go blank when she was pulled back by the taste of salt nipping the tip of her tongue. She opened her eyes as Jaal reluctantly pulled away, seeing the stream of tears staining his cheeks.

"Don't ever do that again." He whispered through quivering lips. "Please."

Her heart shattered as she gazed back, hearing how nearly broken he was. It wasn't a demand, but more of a plea. Like that of a dying man making his final request. "I won't." She said, kissing him back even harder.

He relaxed into her, soaking in every warm breath she took when Drak cleared his throat. "Uh, I don't mean to break up your reunion, but the Archon could be back any moment and we need to finish the mission."

Ryder took a step back, regaining her composure. "Right. The relic."

"Yea, reunions after we get back. Alive if possible." Drak said, rolling his shoulders.

Jaal looked to Ryder with fierce determination, running his knuckles along her cheek softly. "There will be no other way."

"Agreed." Ryder smiled, leaning into his touch. "Let's finish this."


They quickly made their way through a maintenance corridor that Sam had mapped out for them when Raeka came in through the com.

"Archon do you hear me!? Now you have two Pathfinders to deal with! And we are not impressed by your security!" She shouted, followed by an exchange of gunfire.

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