Episode ONE: Beth the aftermath

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The loud shot that echoed through the hospital corridor,Beth fell to the floor. Daryl ran to catch Beth before she fell and hit the cold bleak ground. 'Don't die on me please Beth! I love you!' Daryl said with gushing emotion. Beth muttered 'Daryl promise me this,keep the group from any trouble,whether it be Walkers or Survivors causing trouble,make sure you keep them safe.' Beth starred at Daryl with watery eyes as if she knew she was going to die. 'Daryl come here you can't do anything.' Carol said with tears streaming down her face. 'NO! I can't,I just can't!' Daryl screamed. 'Leave him be for a few minutes' Tyreese said in utter sadness. Daryl and the rest of the survivors in the hospital stayed and wept as Rick and the gang left the corridor into the main entrance. A survivor picked Beth's limp lifeless body up and gently lay her on a hospital bed. Daryl watched as they pushed her on the bed,he walked off to the entrance with anger and sadness in his eyes. Maggie,Glen,Carl,Eugene and Abraham all watched with smiles on their faces as Rick and Michonne etc came out the hospital with Carol in her wheelchair came down the disabled ramp. Maggie's smile slowly turned straight and her eyes began to water as she didn't see Beth. Maggie pushed her way past Rick and the gang into the hospital running up the corridor shouting 'BETH! BETH! BETHHHH!' A survivor stopped her and said 'She's in there' Maggie slowly walked into the allotted room Beth was in. Beth laid peacefully in the bed with a red blood stain on the pillow. Maggie hugged her 'dead' sister and wept. Beth slowly began to breathe and whispered 'I love you' with tears rolling down her face. Maggie shouted for help and a doctor came in and tried to stop the bleeding and attached her to a drip. Rick and Carol walked in and said 'it's okay,do you want a cuddle?' 'No,BETH'S ALIVE!' Maggie roared with joy. They all laughed in relief as Beth smiled.

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