t h r e e♦

491 14 3

(/*bout to hit ya'll a typical mythical chapter! ha)

you heard what the werewolf said last night, you stood up from your bed as you blinked a few times because of the sunlight seeping in the dorm.

you looked at the other bed to see the wolf is still sleeping, standing up while stretching your limbs, you headed to the bathroom to refresh yourself.

as you finished your business, when you swung the door open you're met with a half asleep werewolf. "step aside." she said with a deep groggily voice, you used your speed to get out of the bathroom.

when you heard the bathroom door slam close, you sighed while rolling your eyes. you wore your uniform in a speed of light before the wolf can see you naked.

when she got out of the bathroom, you didn't really look at her well but you can see some messed up mascara. she probably forgot to take it off when she went to sleep.

"the fuck you looking at you?!" you jumped a little when the wolf raised her voice, she caught you staring. "nothing, sorry." you said as you turned around to fix your bag.

the wolf narrowed her eyes to your back, she groaned and sat down at her bed that made some creaky noises. "y/n was it? whatever the hell you're thinking in that noggin' of yours of getting close to me or some shit. i ain't makin' friends with a vampire like you."

you slowly turned around to face the werewolf, "look whatever your name is-"


you looked at her deadpan "pardon?", spinel groaned "my name's spinel fangface. now what are you gonna say." she said while keeping her yellow eyes alined to yours.

"look, what's your problem with vampires? yeah, there's some asshole but i'm not like them." you said, spinel looked at the ground "that's what she said." she mumbled.

"excuse me?" spinel raised her head, she growled and stood up from her bed. "like i said," spinel started walked towards you, you backed up but your legs are already hitting your bed.

"i'm not making friends with vampires." her bright yellow eyes pierced your (e/c), making you slightly intimidated. the spinel burst into a laughter "wows, i didn't know vampires can get intimidated." she said with a smirk.

you gritted your teeth at her, getting annoyed with this mutt. "shut the hell up." spinel raised a brow "whatever fangface." she backed up and went out of the dorm.

you sat back down at your bed and placed your hands onto your face, you screamed into it and groaned as you removed it. "werewolves." you growled then grabbed your bag and started heading to class.

while walking to your class, alot of students are walking in the hallways as usual. then you saw someone rushing, you stepped aside as you don't want to get in their way.

but you still got in their way.

the person was carrying alot of things that filled their entire arm. "sorry! excuse me! i'm in a rush, sorry!!" the person bumped into some people and they quickly apologised.

as the person came close to you, one of their things fell right into your head, the glass shattering your head didn't faze you but the contents of it;

is dripping down from hair to face.

the person gasped "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean too! i'll get you fixed up, i-" you shook your head and held out your hand, "it's fine, i'll just wipe it clean with some water."

"are you sure? i'm sorry i ruined your day!!" you shook your head again and patted their shoulder "again, it's fine. good luck on whatever you're gonna do though." you said before walking away.

you touched the liquid dripping and smelled it, it doesn't smell bad but it's getting uncomfortable. you went to the restroom, settling your bag down the tilted floor. you turned on the facet and splashed running water onto your hair and face.

as you feel that the liquid is gone, you opened your eyes and examined yourself to see if there's any of that liquid left. then you looked at the corner of the mirror to see spinel standing at the entrance with a weird look on her face.

you frowned, you grabbed your bag and pulled out a clothe to dry your hair. "why the hell are you showering in the sink?" spinel asked, you looked at her through the mirror with a blank face.

"why do you care?" as you removed the clothe over your head, you looked at your reflection to see yourself having a pair of;

wolf ears.

"hehe what a weird mirror." you said as you touched the top of your head, when you felt two furry (h/c) wolf ears, your eyes widened. "how did this happened?!" you yelled as you tugged on the ears to see if it's real.

it won't come off, it's real.

"fuck... that guy must've been a wizard or witch." you mumbled, "what witch?" you looked at spinel's looking at your extra ears, looking at her hoodie then at your uniform that doesn't have a hood.

"can i borrow your hoodie?" spinel raised her eyebrow and backed up "huh?! like hell i'll let a vampire use my clothes!", you took a deep breath and pressed your hands together.

"spinel please, just this one time. i'll return it when this thing is gone." you said while walking closer to the werewolf.

spinel pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned "no. go find your friend or something." then spinel walked off leaving you alone in the bathroom.

you ran your hand through your hair in frustration, but your hand was stopped by the wolf ears. guess you have no choice, you took off your blazer and tied it on to your head like a bonnet.

you finally got to class, the people looked at your weirdly or just didn't care. but there's always one person who always to say something..

"ey, little red riding hood! who's grandma?" jacob said as he snickered, you turned your head to him with a forced smile.

"really funny, you know you should be a stand up comedian for rats." you spat at him and turned your back at him, you can feel like glaring burning your back but you could care less.

you gripped your blazer tightly, as the teacher walked in, in his usual tired state from yesterday.

'when is this potion gonna end?'

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