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~ few minutes earlier ~

when the scream was heard, peridot stood right up from the table she fell asleep on. peridot rubbed her eyes then grabbed her goggles to look around "peridot?" she turned around to see peeps is awake too.

"penelope, did you hear that too?" then as peridot asked that, a bunch of footsteps are heard outside of her workshop. peridot and peeps peeked out of the door to see what's happening.

the hallways are empty, they fully gone out of the room and searched for the source of the noises. when they passed the wide middle area of the school, peridot stopped on her tracks and backed up.

she saw three fallen angels holding a vampire and they're facing a blood dripping y/n and a wolf formed spinel. "penelope." peridot whispered, peeps looked at where peridot's looking and her eyes widened.

"are those- how did they get here?!" peeps said while mildly screaming, peridot covered the fairy's mouth. "i don't know, someone must've contacted them."

"it's going to be long night ladies and gentlemen!" out of them shouted "how come the entire school isn't up yet?" peeps asked.

"illusion. the reason why we're the only ones able to hear the screams is that i illusion and magic proof my workshop if someone tries to ruin my experiments."

"seems like we have a little audience." the fallen angel turned her heads to look at the hiding witch and fairy, you looked over to where they're looking and gasped.

"what you doing here." you said, you pulled away from spinel and tapped her back letting her know that you're fine now. the fallen angel who's holding (f/n) puts her down and chains started wrapping itself around her then;
"get them."

spinel roared and attacked one of the fallen angel, tackling him down. you growled furiously, you jumped up and grabbed the one who's flying towards peridot and peeps.

you slammed him down making the beautifully tiled floor crack, the last one (the girl) laughed maniacally and the tips of her wings grew two sharp talons and start spinning herself around.

peeps stepped forward and made a thick vine wall making the fallen angel stuck. peeps made an opening for them to walk through, the vines wrapped around her wings and limbs.

even though the fallen angel couldn't make an illusion, the ground started to shake violently. peridot gritted her teeth, she pulled out a splash potion that'll make anyone unconscious depending what creature you are.

peridot threw it at the fallen angel's face and the potion quickly knocked her out. peridot and peeps looked at each other then you and spinel who's fighting off the remaining two fallen angels, they nodded and went in separate ways to help.

peridot went to you, the fallen angel snarled at you and used it's feathers as blades (/*like hawks). the feathers flew towards you at high speeds. you dodged every single one, peridot barely dodges but manages.

you one of the feathers, you saw it's sharpness shining from the moonlight. it's vibrating, like a magnet attracted to the other, you looked at peridot who's staring at the fallen angel warily.

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