f i f t e e n♦

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a week has passed after you, spinel, peeps and peridot got back to school. it's also been a week that spinel hasn't talked to you ever since the kiss.

you tried talking to her but she always avoided you, even if you try to grab her, she always slips onto your grasps. you also realised that spinel's been hanging out more with peeps.

you shouldn't be jealous or anything, but it irritates you just by seeing them talking in a close proximity. do they really have to that close to talk?

you're in the middle of the class, not even listening to the teacher, you looked down at your shoes mindlessly. then bell rang which snapped you back to reality, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"you okay y/n? you seemed out of it." steven said, you patted his hand and stood up while giving him a smile. "i'm okay, i'm just thinking about something."

you headed out of the classroom, then you spotted the pink fairy walking by. you ran towards peeps "penelope!" you called you, peeps looked towards you and gave you a smile.

"hi y/n. need something?" she asked sweetly, "do you know why spinel is avoiding me? it's been going on for a week." peeps' smile slowly faded, "spinel..." she mumbled.

peeps looked around the walking students heading to the lunch area or going out of the field, then she grabbed your wrist and started pulling you somewhere.

peep swung a door open, pushed you in and shut the door behind her. you looked around the room, it looks more like a lab as there are lots of potions thingies and some papers scattered or pinned in black broads.

"where are we?" you asked peeps, "peridot's lab/ our dorm." peeps grabbed two chairs and offered you one, she sat down with you following suit.

"spinel, is nearing heat. tomorrow exactly." peeps said, your mouth made a o expression "normally werewolves' heat is in winter, but spinel has two heats. in summer and in winter." she explained.

"but why is she avoiding me?" peeps took a deep breath "because werewolves have a powerful impulse of mating, when it's their heat, it'll be hard for them to control that and will blindly go after someone they like or love."

you leaned back against the chair, you rubbed your face with your hands then looked at peeps again "when it's tomorrow's night, i need you to come here to sleep for the night. spinel will lock herself in your dorm. her heat will last about a week." you frowned.

"don't worry, spinel's gone through these many times. she'll be fine." peeps said as if she read your mind about your concern. "please come here tomorrow okay?" you nodded and stood up.

"you can count on that." you gave her a thumbs up before getting out of the room, you sighed deeply and started heading to the lunch area. then you jumped onto someone, you grabbed their shoulder before they could fall.

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