s e v e n♦

438 13 2

spinel woke up earlier than you, she walked over to your bed to wake you up but then she saw the claw mark she did to you last night. spinel gritted her teeth, angry to herself.

"hey, hey. wake up."

you groaned while you're being shaken, you looked at the edge of the bed to see spinel's the one shaking you. you sat up in bed as you rubbed your eyes "what time is it?" you asked while stretching your arms.

"i don't know but it's morning." spinel said while tying her pigtails, you stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen yourself up for today. as you splashed water onto your face and looked at yourself in the mirror, you realised something;

spinel doesn't wake you up mornings.

you pondered on that thought but shook it off as you two are finally getting along then you heard the door opened and closed. you wiped your face with the towel and went out the bathroom to get dress.

you saw spinel's not in the dorm anymore, maybe she went ahead of you. as you finally get dressed into your uniforms, you grabbed your bag and went out the door. then you see spinel leaning against the wall, waiting for you.

"i thought you went ahead." you said as you closed the door, "i just wanna walk along with you for today." she mumbled while looking to the other side, you tilted your head to see her face but she wore her hood on.

"let's just go." spinel walked ahead of you, you softly smile at this new side of spinel, you kinda.. like it. running to catch up with spinel, she's still wearing her hood to hide her face from you.

"wait, that's illegal!!" someone said from behind, the two of you turned around to see jacob. "it's early in the fucking morning, now i'm looking at this dipshit." spinel mumbled under her breath.

"you're telling me." spinel looked at you in the corner of her eye, "wanna beat him up?"

"hey! pay attention to me!" he said, you and spinel looked at him with both of your eyes glowing menacingly. "we're listening." your tone of voice made the puny vampire slightly tremble.

"y- you'll pay for what you did to my friends!!" he exclaimed, you raised a brow at him "ey shit for brains, this isn't kindergarten. grow up." spinel said, she placed her arm around your shoulder "let's go."

you don't know why spinel has her arm around your shoulder but you don't mind, except your face is heating up. when the two of you reached spinel's classroom, you see some werewolf talking to each other while walking inside, then there's a seemed like a couple on the corner.

you looked at them and sniffed the sir slightly, the girl's a werewolf and the boy's a vampire. both of them said their goodbyes to each other, "i'll see you at lunch?" you turned your gaze back spinel who has her hood down know, her eyes are still glowing but slightly.

"yeah, same table okay?" spinel nodded and went inside the classroom, you smiled and started heading to your classroom too. "e- excuse me?" you turned around to see the same boy from before.

"do you need something?" the boy shook his head "the werewolf you're with earlier, is she your-?" you realised what the boy is referring too. you vigorously shook your head "no no no, she's just my roommate."

the boy nodded "sorry for the misunderstanding. i'm steven by the way." steven said as he held out his hand "y/n." you reluctantly shook his hand and started walking again with him by your side.

"you're in the same class as me?" steven nodded "yeah, i really don't talk much so i get it when you didn't notice me." he chuckled. the two of you finally got to your classroom, you pushed the door open.

you let steven in first and closed the door on your way in, finally sitting down in your seat and right on cue, the teacher entered the classroom. "alright, i'm not gonna go through attendance. today's your pe." when the teacher said that, all of the boys (except steven) screamed.

"yeah! we're gonna kick some asses!!" one of the boys yelled.
"yuck, pe?! i just got my makeup on, i don't want it to be ruin by sweating!!" one of the girls said.

you covered your ears and slammed your head onto the table, then everything went quiet. you raised your head to see the teacher's eyes are glowing red, you looked at everybody and they're paralysed.

you chuckled lightly, "right. yes, it's your pe today. you lot will be challenging the werewolves, a race. you and the werewolves will go through the forest area, the sea monsters area and the flying creatures area. whoever reached the finish line is the winner. simple." the teacher unfroze the students.

"but there's always conditions. within the race, you do not sabotage any vampires or werewolves, no one will bare their fangs to each other. got it?" the students nodded, you looked at the boys and the other vampires who aren't really interested.

they aren't gonna follow the rules.

"alright, wear your pe uniform."


as the vampire class got in the wide area, you looked at the other side to see the werewolf class is already here. you tapped steven's shoulder and pointed at the werewolves, he nodded and the two of you went closer to the werewolves.

you looked over again to see spinel in a black sleeveless shirt with jogging pants that is rolled up but the other seemed to be falling down. "steven!" you looked to steven's side to see him hugging the same werewolf from before.

"oh hi! my name's connie." connie said as she grabbed your hand to shake it "i'm y/n." then you felt breathing on top of you, you looked up to see spinel looking at you then at the couple.

"i bet they ain't gonna play fair." spinel tilted her head to the boys, you sighed deeply "yeah, i hate it here."

"but we're gonna stop them, right y/n?" you looked steven and nodded "what do you mean stop them?" spinel asked. "we aren't gonna let them hurt any werewolves." you explained.

spinel raised her eyebrow at you "the rules said to never sabotage anyone." you nodded "but still, we're gonna help ya!" you gave the werewolf a thumbs up, spinel stared at your thumb and sighed.

"just don't get yourself hurt alright." she said before returning back to her place. "take care." then connie pecked steven's cheek and also left to return to her place.

"alright!! all of you will only have 10 minutes to complete everything! and remember, don't sabotage anybody!! when i fire this gun, all of you will run and the timer starts."

B A N G.

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