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"what are you doing here?!" both of you and the werewolf said at the same time, "i asked you first bitch!" she growled as she stood up from her bed and started walking towards you.

you frowned, you felt up your hands signalling her stop but she didn't "look, this is my dorm too. i didn't know you were gonna be my roommate." you explained.

the werewolf huffed "they didn't tell me i'll be sleeping with a vampire." then she backed up and went back to her bed, "me neither." you mumbled while sighing.

an awkward tension is emitting to the two of you, making the room be uncomfortable. you looked at the werewolf "uh... since we're roommates and all, i guess we gotta know each other's names?" you don't know where you're going with this, but you kinda wanna be friends with this wolf.

"i'm y/n l/n." you held out your hand, the werewolf looked at your hand, sniffed it a little then growled. she stood up and walked out of the room, while slamming the door, you looked at the closed door wondering what's wrong.

you looked at your still extended hand, placed it on your nose to smell it but smelled nothing. you rolled your eyes, guess you'll be living with a stranger now.



getting bored in your dorm, your werewolf roommate still hasn't came back to whatever the hell she is. groaning, you stood up from your bed and headed out to see your friend who's down the hall.

you arrived at her dorm door, you knocked on it then came face to face with a vampire you don't know. the vampire looked at you, then looked over her shoulder.

"(f/n), someone's at the door." footsteps came behind her, she stepped aside to let (f/n) jumped onto you with a hug. "y/n!! how's first day??" you hummed.

"sort of swell." (f/n) chuckled, "who's your roommate?" you pursed your lips "it's the werewolf who i bumped into earlier." your friend nodded with a smile.

"try to get along with them okay?" she said as she patted your head. your friend has been there for you since het family found you.

"dear look." a woman said as she tugged her husband's shirt, the man looked at the child who has a bloodied back and a dirt filled face.

"oh my.." the man kneeled down but kept his distance, he sniffed to child and realised it's a fellow vampire. you looked at up at the well suited man with no light in your eyes.

"come child, we'll take care of you." the man held out his arms, you looked at the extended arms and slowly held on to it.

the man carried you on his arms and walked home along with his wife, their house is just two blocks away from where's your sitting.

then the three of you finally got to the couple's big mansion, you realised that you're going to be in a rich family's house with a potential spoiled child.

the man opened the door, let his wife in first then as he stepped in, you looked around of what seemed like the living room. it looks like it's made of gold along with a shining chandelier making the design complete.

"mama! papa!!" a high pitched voice said from upstairs, you looked up to see a small girl in.... casual clothing? you're confused as to why is she dressed like that when her parents look like their from the victorian era.

"(f/n), we have a new family member." the woman said, the man settled you down on the cold marble ground. "umm.. what's your name sweetie?" you looked up at the two grown ups then at the girl.

"y/n.." you mumbled, but it's enough for the family of three hear you, then all of the sudden the girl pulled your hand for a handshake.

"nice to meet you y/n! i'm (f/n)!!" she said with a big smile engraved on her face, you tried to smile but the corners of your lips only moved a bit.

when (f/n) took you in, your health is finally backed up, your wound from your back healed but it left a mark. now you're attending a school with (f/n), you don't really like the idea of you going to school, but since your friend is there.

right now, you're holding a child's collar while your eyes are burning red. "say that again." you threatened as your showed your claws which made the kid whimper and cry.

the kid called (f/n) a bitch and spat on her, how will you react to that, they even talked shit about her family, the people who took you in and took care of you.

"y/n!" you turned your head to see (f/n) running towards you and hugged your back. "let them go." she said, you closed your eyes as you growled. your blood red eyes turned back to normal and dropped the kid.

the kid fixed himself and glared at you "i'll tell father about this!!" you bared your teeth and snapped your head to the kid with your eyes red again. this scared the kid and ran away while whimpering like a bitch.

"i get that you're trying to defend our family, but it's fine y/n. you don't have to fight." (f/n) said as she placed her hand on your head.

"but," but (f/n) shook her head to shut you up.

"try to get along with them okay?"

"y/n? y/n! earth to y/n!!" you shook your head as you snapped out of your daze, you looked at your friend who's waving her hand on your face.

"you good? you sorta stared into space back there." you shook your head as you pinched both your eyes, "maybe i'm just tired." your friend nodded and smiled at you.

"well, better go to your dorm and rest! i'll see you tomorrow, okay??" you smiled and nodded, you waved your goodbye to her and headed back to your dorm.

as you twisted the door knob and fully opened the door, the smell of blood engulfed you. you frowned, you fully went in to see that the lights are off.

you used your night vision to see someone laid on the werewolf's bed, you sniffed the air again to identify who that is.

it's just her.

you sighed and collapsed on the bed, slowly and eventually you fell asleep.

a pair of glowing yellow eyes burning the darkness, it stood up and stood over your bed. the wolf huffed, "stupid vampires."

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