Rainy Days and Rum

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A/N: POVS will switch and songs are completely random from my shuffled playlist. 

Song: Toy Soldiers- The Animal In Me

 1- Lillith

My breath comes out in a loud huff as I scowl out the window. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky last night but now it's storming, sending out buckets of rain and flashes of lightning. I normally wouldn't complain, but I had big plans for my day off from my duties within Wistal Castle. Those plans were to steal some sandwiches from the kitchen and a bottle of rum from Garak's stash, then spend the day lying in the grass watching the clouds drift by. That of course was immediately shot down with an arrow, stomped on, then set on fire. Now I have to find something else to do because it's much too annoying to try to cloud watch while it's raining. The raindrops get into your eyes and after a while your clothes start to cling uncomfortably. It's too much hassle.

I don't think I can ever repeat enough just how much I hate the rain. I decided after getting dressed that I would still do the pilfering of goods and such, but I will make my way down to the medical buildings and fill my time harassing my dear friend Garak. As I step into the building, I shake my head to remove the excess water, sending my blonde locks lightly smacking against my face.

"Honey, I'm home!" I call out with a grin. "I brought sandwiches, now all we need is the- Oh, it's you."

My expression falls as my eyes lock onto Obi. He seems to be the only one in the building, curled up on the windowsill looking about as thrilled as I am about the rain.

"Where's Garak?" I ask as I move toward her desk and start to rummage through the drawers in search of the rum.

"She had to go to the greenhouse with Shirayuki. What are you doing?"

"I'm-" I pause as I pull out a rather large glass bottle then grin. "-acquiring sustenance. My plans were ruined by the storm so I'm making do with what I have."

Garak returns full of complaints that I stole her new bottle of rum but I give her a sandwich and some fruit slices and she seems to calm down. It's easy to make her content, much like a toddler. Obi is still here, apparently Prince Zen asked him to help Shirayuki for the past few days because she had injured her wrist and was still trying to lift heavy things and do too much. I knew Obi wouldn't refuse, partially out of respect for Prince Zen and the rest of it is his undying, unrequited love for the redhead. I don't think Prince Zen or Shirayuki know of the cat-eyed man's feelings for her but every staff member in Wistal Castle knows. There are even betting pools running of if he'll ever confess, if it'll happen between them, or whatever else people can come up with. I chose not to participate because I couldn't care less what happens with Obi's emotions. They're not focused on me so that's all that matters.

"Are you okay, Lill?"

I tear my gaze away from the window as a flash of lightning outlines Obi's body and I turn toward Garak.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This storm has ruined my mood."

"Are you sure that's all? You seemed to be staring quite-"

I immediately slap my hand over Garak's mouth and shoot her a look to shut up unless she wanted a new piercing- an arrow through the chest to be precise. I feel her smirk against my palm but she shrugs and pulls my hand away.

"I get it, I get it. I just don't see why you don't get it." She muses as she returns to her papers.

"Because there's nothing to get." I grind out.

"I feel like I'm missing out on something interesting." Obi cuts in and Garak and I both look at him in unison and tell him the same thing.

"Shut up Obi."

"Sorry for asking..." He grumbles before returning to staring out the window.

I walk with Garak a short ways behind Obi and Shirayuki. The medical building is down to one herbalist on call for the night. It's Ryuu tonight, so Garak is free. I hook my arm through hers and force her to spin in lazy circles through the puddles on the grounds.

"You're getting my shoes wet!" She whines.

"I could just shove you into a puddle and get your clothes wet too but I'm being a good girl." I snicker. "Can we get drunk tonight?"

"I think you're already drunk Lillith." Obi calls over his shoulder.

"No, you're drunk!" I shoot back and stick my tongue out at him. "Come on, it'll be fun. Just like old times. We haven't drank together in forever."

"It's been two nights."

"Then that is two nights too many." I huff before tripping over a rock.

I shut my eyes tightly, preparing myself for the inevitable crash I refuse to waste the energy fighting, but I never hit the ground.

"You can open your eyes any time now." Obi's voice reaches my ears.

I open my eyes and realize that he'd caught me and placed me upright so quickly I hadn't noticed. I shove myself away and clear my throat as I drop my gaze to the mud.

"Oh, uh, thanks I guess."

"'Thanks I guess'." Garak snickers in a high pitched voice and I elbow her harshly in the ribs before dragging her along.

"You hush." I grumble. "So, are we drinking or not?"

"We are... On one condition. We get a group together and play a game."

I look up at her curiously, wondering what sort of game she wanted a bunch of adults to play.

"Who is the group and what game?"

"Obi, Shirayuki, are you in?"

I tense and shoot her a look as I mentally beg them to say no.

"I'm in, what about you Miss?" Obi asks her.

"I'm not much of a drinker, but it sounds fun. Sure, I'll come!"

"We'll get Kiki and Mitsuhide as well, Prince Zen may even tag along since Shirayuki will be there." Garak prattles on, ignoring my death glare.

"But what game are you thinking?"

"Oh, you'll see. You'll all see." She chuckles darkly as she pulls me into the servant's quarters to track down Mitsuhide and Kiki.

Let's Play A Game *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now