Nightmares and Submissive Souls

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Song: Sleepwalking - Bring Me The Horizon

30 – Obi

 I open my eyes and find myself sitting on a tree limb on the castle grounds with my back against the trunk. The sun is setting and everything is peaceful, I can't even hear the slight whistles from the Points passing messages along. It feels like the war almost didn't happen at all.


I reach out to catch the pebble aimed for my cheek then look down to find Lillith grinning up at me.

"Yes Lillith?"

"We have to get going, Garak wants us to meet up with her to drink."

I go to move but I can't. It's like I'm completely paralyzed. My eyes widen as I notice someone coming up behind her and despite the dying light, they're concealed in shadow. They raise a bow and point an arrow at her and I open my mouth to warn her but I can't get any words out either. All I can do is stare in horror as the man pulls back and the arrow pierces through her chest.

I sit upright and try to calm my racing heart as I study my surroundings. A hand appears and gently pushes me back toward the pillows. I can hear something, Garak's voice I'm sure, but I don't know anything else. I turn and focus on her since she's a familiar face as I try to calm down. Her voice finally registers as words as she tries to calm me and asks how I'm feeling. I arch a brow before remembering the last thing I saw was Lillith bleeding on the grounds of Shenazard Castle beside me.

"Where's Lillith?"

"She's resting."

"She's not dead? She didn't die? I'm not dead either right?" I ask as I tug on her arm.

"You're both alive but barely. You're both considered war heroes though. Also, I thought I told you not to let her get hurt?"

"I did my best. Lillith saved my life and I'm going to protect her for the rest of my life."

"Did you two make up yet?" Garak asks with a wide grin.

"Not entirely? I explained everything and I kissed her and she kissed me and we both said we loved each other but I don't think we actually made up. We were too busy fighting a war."

"Makes sense. When she wakes up you should so make up with her and propose. Two star crossed lovers sacrifice themselves to save each other in a war only to come out on the other side as lovers. How romantic."

"Garak, give me pain medicine and let me rest. You're starting to convince me that I really did die and now I'm in Hell."

"Rude." She grumbles before smacking the back of my head. "Well, since you asked, you had a real nasty run through with a sword. It took a bit of surgery but everything has been fixed up and stitched up, but you'll be in bed for about six weeks."

I accept the pills and sigh. "Wonderful. What about Lillith?"

"Same thing, but hers was a little worse. She died a few times on the table but I beat her soul into submission and she survived."

"What about her shoulder? I know she was having troubles."

Her mouth presses into a thin line before she sighs. "There was... extensive damage. There's a very small chance that she will be able to return to her job as a Point once she heals or be an archer at all. There's a chance she will have trouble doing anything with her arm at all."

"She's not going to be happy about that."

"That's why I'll let you tell her that when she wakes up. Bye bye now." Garak grins and pats my head before rushing out of the room.

Once Garak is gone I shake my head and turn to look at the rest of the infirmary room. We're in Clarines for sure so that must mean the war is over. She said Lillith and I are war heroes now. I don't feel like a war hero, I didn't really even do anything. Lillith was the one who killed him. My eyes fall on the bed to my right and my heart lurches as I see Lillith laid out on the bed. Her arm is securely wrapped in a sling and her skin is pale. Garak said she was alive but she looks so broken... I should have done more to keep her safe. I just have to be thankful that she's here at all. I can apologize to her... and her siblings... later. I don't know how to tell her that she may have lost the ability to do the thing she's most passionate about anymore. She may not be a Point anymore. If she isn't able to work like that anymore, she could lose the money going to her siblings and since they're alone now they'd have nothing.

"If you keep scrunching your face up like that you'll get wrinkles and you'll burn your brain out thinking like that."


"In the pain-filled flesh." She chuckles as her bright blue eyes focus on me. "We didn't die..."


"What happened?"

"The war is over, we both got stabbed and you killed Covan. We're war heroes according to Garak."

"Are you alright?" She looks me over for further sign of injuries but I nod.

"Six weeks of healing ahead of both of us, but we are going to be fine."

"Obi," Lillith frowns as she looks down at her wrapped arm. "I can't feel my arm."


"I-I can wiggle my fingers but I can't feel anything. What's going on?"

"Garak... She said there was extensive damage in your arm. She said there was a chance you might not be able to be an archer anymore and that you may not be able to do much of anything with your arm."

Her eyes fill with tears and all I want to do is comfort her and make it better but I can't.

"Where is Garak?"

"I'll call for her." I look at the bedside table and find a book, so I pick it up and toss it at the door.

Lillith lets out a small, weak giggle. "I could have done that." 

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