Escaping and Murdering

126 16 16

Song: Old Time Rock And Roll - Bob Seger (Shout out to @ChibiLink since I had her pick a number at random from my playlist of 1,255 songs. This is what it landed on xD )

14 – Obi

This meeting is taking forever and I don't even think things are going that well. After grabbing a quick breakfast, Lillith and I went to the throne room and found our posts so we could settle in. She's up in the rafters while I'm hidden behind a column near Master. I've been keeping my eye on Deilan ever since he walked in. I was amused to see that he had a rather nice black eye from where Lillith had punched him last night. I look away from him as the conversations fall silent and I look up toward Lillith as she pulls her bow from her back. When I look back, he's gone. That can't be good. An arrow hits the ground not far from Master and the others and it sends the whole room into a panic. The only thing is, the room immediately flooded with people as soon as the arrow hit, not after Prince Covan said anything. This whole thing was a set up from the beginning.

As I fight off the men that approach, I look up toward the rafters to check on Lillith only to find her dangling from a beam. I call for her and in true Lillith style she tells me that she's busy. I sigh and cut through the last man that surrounded me then throw the dagger up toward Deilan as he stomps on her fingers. He was the one who caused the arrow to fly. As he falls, she falls too. I curse as I rush forward, trying to find some way, any way, to catch her. If she hits the floor from that height, she's dead. I can't let that happen. I notice Mitsuhide as he cuts someone down and an idea forms. He's close enough...

"Mitsuhide I need a lift!"

He turns and cups his hands as I jump up and the boost is what I need as I grab hold of her and curl my body around hers before we hit the ground. I slowly relax my grip on her and cringe as my body screams in protest.


Lillith is hurt but she seems more concerned about me than anything.

"I think you fell for me, Lillith. Does that mean I won the bet?" I ask, giving a smile to ease her concerns.

"Are you two okay?"

With Prince Covan's ambush revealed, we leave the castle as soon as possible. Their talks before that never worked out just left things almost peaceful. Now that the attack happened, there's a chance that Clarines might go to war with Domnall. We'll have to wait for a declaration I suppose. Before we left I made sure that Lillith didn't have any life-threatening injuries but I know she is hurt. We just didn't have time to really do anything safely. We have to leave their kingdom before Prince Covan sends his people after us.

Master lets us stop for the night after we cross the border from Domnall into Tanbarun. We're a decent distance away from the castle but if Covan's men cross the border, our alliance with Tanbarun gives us an advantage. I help Lillith down from the horse and have her settle near the fire while Kiki and Mitsuhide get the camp set up for the night.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Obi, I've told you that about thirty times already- ow! Stop poking me."

I look up from her arm where a very dark bruise started to form.

"I think you broke it."

"No. It's just a bruise. I'm fine. Now stop worrying over me, you're the one that hit the floor first."

Her eyes widen suddenly and in an instant she has her bow drawn with an arrow notched and pointed just to my right behind me.

"What is it?"

"Don't move or you might get hit." She mumbles before directing her glare over my shoulder. "Stand down or I will shoot you. Drop your weapon."

She carefully gets to her feet, her aim never wavering. I follow suit and move out of her way, my gaze moving toward Master. Kiki has moved to protect him so he should be fine so I turn back toward Lillith's target. It's a man lingering right at the edge of the clearing. The only things I can see properly are the firelight in his eyes and the bow in his hands.

"I said drop your weapon."

"You didn't belong there." The man says and her eyes widen.

"What does he mean Lillith?" I ask but she doesn't answer.

"Obi, please step aside." She whispers.



Against my better instincts, I step out of her way and her grip on the arrow tightens as she tells him to leave. He takes a step forward and in an instant two arrows sail through the air but one was shot first. Both arrows hit their target almost perfectly. The man hits the ground with Lillith's arrow sticking out of his chest while she staggers backward, his protruding from her shoulder. Her bow hits the ground as her eyes fill with tears.

"Lillith, are you okay? Do I need to take it out or shou-" I start to ask once the shock wears off.

"I-I killed him..."

"He shot at you and was a danger to us and to Mas-"

"I... I killed my father."

Before I can say anything further or get an answer about the arrow, she collapses. I curse and catch her before laying her on the ground. I ask Mitsuhide to see if the man has any other arrows on him and a moment later he hands me the quiver. There are five arrows total, one for each of us I suppose. The arrowhead isn't the standard one, his have small barbs carved into him so they hook onto the wound. Ripping it out will cause a lot of damage and she may die if I try to remove it myself. Shirayuki and the other back home could surely remove it but that's at least six days of travel alone. None of the hidden herbalists I knew from before I came to the castle are near enough to go to. Right now our only option is to make it to Shenazard Castle as quickly as possible. 

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