Flames and Kisses

109 12 8

Song: Hell Above - Pierce the Veil

28 – Obi

I keep a tight hold on Lillith's hand as we make our way through the rafters of Shenazard Castle looking for a way to escape the quickly growing fire and the smoke that's filling the room. It's already getting hard to breathe in here, we don't have much time.

"Obi, we have to hurry."

"I know."

"No, the fire is spreading to the rafters now." Lillith says and I curse.

"Any luck down there?" I call out and hear a bunch of negative responses.

"Obi!" Lillith stops suddenly and tugs on my hand to get me to stop. "The floor down there, look."

I follow her gaze down to the floor and realize she did actually notice something. There's a section of flooring that's slightly off on the pattern. Every other piece of the floor is uniform but the difference is hardly noticeable. I call for Mitsuhide and with help from Master and Prince Raji, they move the tile and it reveals a tunnel. Now Lillith and I just have to make it off the rafters without dying. The way we went up to the rafters is now on fire, we'll have to drop down, but it's too big of a drop.

"Obi, you need to get down! It's too hard to breathe in here!"

"We'll have to drop down but it's too high, she'll get hurt."

"I'll catch you dear Lillypad!"

"Shut up Raji, you and Lillith are both toothpicks." Master sighs. "Mitsuhide and I will catch you."

"There is no way I'm dropping down from two stories up."

"Lillith, you fell three stories a few weeks ago, you can do this."

"Being forcibly removed from a beam is different than jumping down."

"I can fix that." I smirk and she looks over at me with a death glare.

"Obi, I swear on all that is holy if you shove me off-" I cut her off with a kiss before pushing her off the beam.

She's going to kill me for this, likely the kiss too since she never actually forgave me, but at least we'll survive the fire and smoke.

All of Shenazard Castle is ablaze and most of their troops are trying desperately to control it while fighting off Covan's men. The tunnel we found in the floor led to a safe room that opened into a shed in the gardens. As my eyes scan the chaos on the grounds, I absently move closer to Master, Prince Raji, and the children. Lillith appears in front of me and I grin sheepishly as she glares up at me.

"I saved your life so you can't kill me. You brother and Garak both told me to protect you."

She doesn't speak but punches me in the stomach. For a 'toothpick' as Garak calls her, she hits pretty hard.

"I deserved that."

She latches onto the front of my shirt and drags me down to her level.

"If you throw me off a beam like that again I will beat you within an inch of your life." She growls before kissing me. "If you die in this war I will bring you back to kill you again because I'm not through being mad at you yet."

"You're cute when you're threatening."

"Shut up and focus. We have to get the royals secure and fight off the intruders. Where's Shirayuki?"

"Over there, helping the herbalists with the injured." I point out, my eyes tracking the redhead across the grounds. "Mitsuhide, Kiki, get them to safety. Lillith and I will join the fight to get rid of Covan's men."

I take Lillith's good hand and pull her through the fray back toward the wall. She reminded me that with Tiean's hostage act, she had to leave her bow and quiver behind. They're her best method of fighting so I have to get her safely to them. She can post on the wall with the other Points and do what they do best. We've been dodging falling bodies riddled with arrows the closer we get to the wall. I lead her into the wall and cut down the man that lunges out at us. Once we're on the wall, she grabs her bow and quiver and checks the outside of the wall before moving to the inner side.

"Are you sure you'll be okay up here alone?" I ask as she steadily fires arrows into enemies down below.

"I'm perfectly peachy Obi. I have a vantage point. Now, you need to go down there and do what you do best without dying."

"If something happens I just want to say that I love you."

"What?" She mumbles, almost dropping an arrow.

"You heard me." I smirk and kiss her forehead before moving to her lips. "Be careful."

I find myself moving through the ever-growing crowd flooding the grounds. Word has traveled through couriers to the closest troops and forts so as Covan's forces grow, ours does as well. I didn't expect the fighting to start so heavily so soon, let alone at Shenazard Castle. I didn't expect it to be so destructive either. There's a chance there will be nothing left of the castle by the time this is over. I turn in time to see a sword slicing down toward me. I don't have time to stop i- oh, nevermind. I cast a glance up at the wall where the arrow had come from and watch another land in front of me with a message.

'Focus, Idiot.' I roll my eyes and grin before turning and heading back into the chaos. I come across Mitsuhide who had apparently left Master and the others in the care of Kiki and Raji's assistants. He asks where Lillith is as we fight side by side.

"She's on the wall with the Points being as troublesome as ever."

"I totally saw you kiss her."

"Oh yeah?" I smirk. "What of it?"

"I thought she hated you. So, who won the bet?"

"No one, we didn't exactly follow along with the bet, we just wanted to mess with Garak. The bet ended by the time I confessed. She did... does... possibly hate me. Naela came onto me and Lillith happened upon the unfortunate moment between Naela kissing me and me shoving her off me."

"Makes sense. You going to propose to her once the war is over?"

"A bit soon for that don't you think?" I chuckle as I plunge a dagger into a man's chest.

"What is time when you survive a war? Besides you've been in love with her for three years anyway. I say it's good enough."

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