Changing the Guard and Eating Peppers

180 16 27

Song: Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup

3 – Lillith

No one agrees to locking Garak out of the building sadly. I think we're all starting to get to the point of being too buzzed to care. I sigh and try to stretch my back while we wait for Garak to return. I feel for the knights that come across her on patrol, because right now it's the changing of the guards. I don't think she realized. I snicker at the thought before getting up to find another bottle. The door slams open suddenly and I'm knocked to the floor and my drink goes flying. As I hit the floor, I notice Obi lazily catch it and I can feel the rain water start to soak me.

"The guards were changing shifts!"

"I know! That's why I did it!" I laugh though my face is pressed against the floor. "Now get off me and go spin the bottle."

Now that Garak and I broke the ice on the dares, things are getting interesting. I somehow managed to convince Mitsuhide to switch clothes with Shirayuki. It was more disturbing than I'd expected and Shirayuki was drowning in his clothes. I was nice and let them switch back after half an hour. Garak sits up suddenly and claps in excitement.

"I have an idea!"

"Oh dear God contact a historian! We must document this momentous occasion! Garak had her first thought." I gasp dramatically before dissolving into laughter.

She shoves me hard, knocking me into Shirayuki.

"Alright, what's your idea?" Prince Zen asks as the redhead helps me sit up again.

"Besides me, there are six of you. How about we do pairs and I'll keep track of it all?"

"Pairs? What point does that serve?" Obi cuts in. Surprisingly, I agree with him.

"You'll get the same dare and compete against each other to see who completes the dare or wins first."

I sit up and face her with a smirk. "I'm too drunk to care, let's do this. Who gets who?"

We have to draw our competitor's name out of a hat. The women get to pick the names so it will be a fight between the genders. Shirayuki picks first and ends up with Prince Zen's name. It seems cliché but at the same time I expected as much. That also saves me from having to work against my boss with whatever Garak is scheming. But it leaves me with Mitsuhide and Obi as options. I go to reach into the hat since Shirayuki is sitting beside me but it's snatched away and brought over to Kiki.

"Who do you have?"


"Interesting. So that means Obi will be with Lillith." Garak smirks.

"Was Obi's name even in there or did you plan it?" I ask as I try to grab the hat away from her.

"Is there a problem with your partner?"


"Too bad. Now, let's begin."

"I need a few more drinks. Whatever happens now, I don't want to be sober enough to remember in the morning." There's a rumble of agreement and we all grab more alcohol except Shirayuki who got drunk off two sips from my bottle an hour ago.

Once we're all sufficiently drunk, Garak tells us that for each pair, the dare will be decided by the others and herself. The winner gets some form of prize from it and the loser faces a penalty. This should be interesting to say the least. We shift our seats around to be near our partners so I find myself sitting next to Obi. I slowly shift slightly away from him and wait to see what happens now. Garak puts the bottle in the center and spins it to see which pair goes first. It lands on Prince Zen and Shirayuki. After much debate, we decide to be nice to the innocent pair and simply dare them to eat a hot pepper and swallow. Whoever does it first and successfully wins. Garak goes into the cabinet in the group kitchen and brings back a jar of peppers. They both look nervous but take one with determined expressions.

"Three, two, one, eat!" Garak cheers and they both put the peppers in their mouths.

Shirayuki's expression changes first and her eyes start to water. I give her credit for not spitting it out though. Zen's face is turning slightly red but a few seconds later, Shirayuki swallows and opens her mouth to show the pepper is gone.

"Females get the point! Men better suck it up."

The bottle spins again and lands on Obi and myself. I arch a brow and sneak a glance over at him before turning to Garak and the others.

"Better make this count."

"Oh, we will." She chuckles.

"Whatever it is Obi, you're going down."

"We'll see."

Garak, Kiki, and Shirayuki get up and go into the kitchen before returning with a bunch of cups and several bottles of alcohol. The cups are arranged in front of us with a space to separate mine from his, then they start to fill them. When I ask what our dare is, we're told that we have to drink everything in our cups then stack them in a pyramid before the other does. It's supposed to be hard since we've already been drinking heavily and the pyramid can't fall or it won't count.

"This will be easy. I can drink him under the table." I smirk.

"Three, two, one, drink!"

I grab the first cup and throw it back, grimacing at the taste of vodka, but I turn it over and grab the next one just as he does the same. I can't let him win. No matter how fast I go we seem to stay in perfect unison, grabbing and dropping cups at the same time. I grab my last one and drain it before starting to stack my cups. It's only a split second difference but I think I'm winning now. I look over and find him getting ready to put his final cup on the top at the same time I am. I smirk and lean over to blow on the cups and the first three fall.

"That's cheating." He huffs..

"No one said anything about rules." I grin but before my cup hits the top, his hand darts through my pyramid and the cups fall. "Rude!"

"You started it!" 

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