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Voight POV:

"You what?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah a boy and a girl, they're 18 months old," Erin still avoided my gaze.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked knowing the trains must have been born when Erin and I were still in contact.

"I was struggling over there in New York Hank, I was using again and I knew that if I told you you would want to come to visit your grandkids and I couldn't let you see me like that again," she admitted quietly.

"Erin, you have kids and you still did all of this I just..." she interrupted me.

"I know I've been a terrible mother probably worse than Bunny was, but all I'm asking is if you can keep them safe until I my head on straight," She pleaded.

"I'm sure you haven't been a terrible mother, you just made a pretty huge dumb mistake," I sighed.

"So if they're eighteen months old then the father's someone in Chicago right?" I asked.

She nodded and a realization dawned on me.

"Wait, the father's..." she interrupted me again knowing that I'd figured out who the father to her children was.

"Yes, he's the father," Erin whispered.

"Does he know?" I questioned.


"Well Erin you need to tell him, or I will," she nodded.

"I'll keep them for you until you get out," I decided.

"Thank you," She looked like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

"Do you have any pictures of my grandkids?" I asked.

"You have my phone so," she waited.

I produced her phone from a drawer in my desk. She unlocked her phone and showed me a picture of her crouched down on a huge rock holding her children's hands. With my newly given information I wondered if the reason she wore sun glasses was so that no one could see if her pupils were dilated. I had a feeling that they weren't though. The smile she wore was more genuine than I had seen in years. Both kids had hair that was about the same color as Erin's, just a slightest bit lighter. Their eyes were a green, blue grey color. On closer inspection the twins weren't as identical as I thought. The girls hair was lighter than the boys and it had more red in it. The boys hair was close to brown than it was blond unlike his sister. He also had faint freckles dotting his nose.

"That's Nadia Camille and that's Henry Justin they're staying with Annie. You remember her?" Erin pointed to both of her kids in turn.

I smiled at the names she'd chosen. She swiped through some pictures on her phone dating back from the day Nadia and Henry were born. She paused on a video from three months ago.

Both kids were sitting in high chairs at the table. Erin was standing between them. There were two empty orange pill bottles on the table. Erin was trying to teach her kids how to properly say their names. She said Nadia's and Nadia did her best to repeat it.

"Naeea," Nadia tried.

Henry tried next "Henwy."

Erin smiled at both her kids and the smiled in return.

The video ended.

"They're cute," I smiled.

She nodded.

We kept looking through pictures. There was a picture of Erin and two other women sitting on the beach with the seventeen month old twins sitting on the shore of the water. I could tell that even as the picture was being taken Erin still had a watchful eye on her kids. The next picture had Erin, the same two ladies, and five guys smiling wearing jackets that said "New York FBI". In the final picture Erin was sitting at a table with the ladies and one of the guys. Her head was tilted back laughing as the guy was talking.

"You seemed happy with them," I noticed.

"Yeah, but they weren't like the people here. I couldn't be myself around them. The one with tattoos is Melissa and that's her husband Ryder. The other lady is Elana she was the one who found out I was using and she helped me get clean," Erin explained.

"How long had you been clean before you came back to Chicago?" I questioned.

"37 days."

"How'd you manage to pass the drug tests?"

"I came up with an excuse to not take them," she admitted.

I nodded.

"Well you need to go tell the father he has children," I waved Erin out of my office.

Halstead POV:

I slammed my locker shut trying to get rid out my built up fury.

"Jay?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I composed myself and turned around "hey Erin."

She fidgeted around with the hair tie on her wrist.

"What's up?" I asked quietly.

"The thing is Jay I have kids and," I interrupted her.

Why in the world would she be telling me that she slept with some guy in New York I took a deep breath.

"And you want me to make sure they don't end up in the system?"

"No, well not exactly."

"Who's the father? Can't he take care of them? Did he get you pregnant and run of leaving you to take care of his kids?" I asked

"The father doesn't know he's a dad," Erin whispered.

I finally understood what she was saying "how old are they Erin?"

She flinched and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Erin how old are they?" I practically yelled I was tired of her being this way.

"Eighteen months."

"So you're saying I'm the father?" I realized and mumbled softly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jay I just," she stopped.

I nodded. I didn't know how I felt. I was a father. Twenty five months ago Erin had left Chicago pregnant with my children.

"When did you find out?"

"Not until I was two months pregnant and in New York."

"So twins huh?" A smile played at my lips.

"Yeah," she showed me a picture of two little eighteen month olds " that's Nadia and that's Henry."

She smiled at her kids.

"I know this is a lot, I'm so so sorry." I could see her eyes watering and I knew Erin truly was sorry.

"It's just a lot to process, but I want to be a dad to these kids," I decided smiling.

She nodded, relieved.

"I messed up big time and I left two kids with no mother. I'm such a terrible person Jay," Erin slumped down.

"Your not a terrible person," I looked at her.

Despite saying that I couldn't believe that Erin would just leave her kids like that. I would try to forgive her if not for me but for the kids. It would take time though.

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