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I'm so sorry for the lack of an update, I know it's been almost a month and that was not my plan. Id gotten pretty busy and I had planned on updating this past weekend, but I ended up spending the past four days in the hospital. Sadly, I cannot promise an update for a little while as I really don't feel up to doing anything other than sleeping and drinking supplements. Hopefully I'll start feeling better and will be able to update by the end of the week.

On a different note I would like to thank y'all  for 2k. I really appreciate everyone who has taken their time to read this fanfic despite the fact that it's not the best. I also appreciate your patience because I know it has been a little while. There are also a couple other stories I have in the works. Again, thank you so so very much for 2000 reads as well as all the votes. I couldn't do this without y'all.


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