Two Bodies instead of One

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A reasonable amount of hours earlier

Jay's POV:

"Calm down Halstead," Voight barked.

"How can you be telling me to calm down, Erin's been gone for twenty-four hours and we're still waiting for the security footage from the park. We're sitting ducks, while she's out there who knows where. Not to mention the kids are freaking out because their mom is missing and it's their birthdays. Like hey happy birthday you know what your present is, your mother has been abducted and we don't even know if she's dead or alive," I laughed darkly.

"You don't think that I'm not worried too? Because I am, but Halstead, she's strong. She can handle herself," Voight reminded me.

"I'm just worried about her," I half-whispered.

"I know, but we'll find..."

Voight was cut short by Adam rushing up the stairs into the bullpen.

"Sarge I think we got something," he said, clearly out of breath.

We all waited for him to continue.

"There's a camera about a block away from the park that shows a grey SUV, driving in the direction of the park and then speeding away thirty minutes later. We can't see the driver, but the half plate matches a Laney Grant, 71. No priors, nothing on her record, not even a speeding ticket. I doubt she's involved, but it's the only lead we have," Adam shrugged.

"Okay, take Atwater check it out," Voight ordered.

"C'mon let me do something. I'm going crazy just sitting here," I protested.

"Fine you and Upton, but Jay," he paused waiting for me to look up "if  you get any information and I mean anything bring it back here and we'll deal with it as a unit don't go off thinking you can handle it on your own because you can't."

"Fine," I said as Hailey and I walked out.

"Laney Grant, Chicago Pd," Hailey yells as she knocked

Not more than five seconds later an elderly lady opened the door.

"Hello dearies, how can I help you?" She smiled.

"We actually have a couple questions for you in regards to one of our open cases," Hailey explained.

"Of course, why don't you two come in. I know you must be cold."

Hailey and I looked at each other before nodding.

She welcomed us into her living room and we all sat down.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?" She offered.

"No thank you," I said.

"Whatever you need to know," Laney nodded.

"We have reason to believe that a car under your name was used in an abduction yesterday from Garfield Park," Hailey explained.

"Oh dear. That can't be right I haven't even left the house in about a week. I most certainly haven't been involved in any abduction!" Laney shook her head.

"Is there anyone that has had access to your car in the past couple days? Did you let a neighbor borrow it or anything like that?" I questioned.

"No dearie. Unless it was my nephews car and not mine. Well he's not really my nephew, but his parents are gone and I try to help him out some. I helped him buy a car for his sixteenth birthday, and I think we put it under my name."

"The license plate on your nephews car. It wouldn't happen to be HTX 6048 would it?" Hailey asked.

"Yes that's it, but Valon wouldn't get into any trouble. He's a good kid," Laney explained.

"What's Valon's last name?" I asked.

"Sandoval, but he wouldn't do anything. I promise you he's a good boy."

"Thank you Ms. Grant you have been very helpful." I said.


"Laney has a nephew named Valon Sandoval. He's the actual owner of the car," I explained as Hailey and I made our way into the bullpen.

"Sandoval, you sure?" Voight asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. Why?" I replied.

Voight shrugged in response.

"It looks like we have him in the system," Adam interrupted "Valon Sandoval, 19, he has a couple priors for possession."

"Can you ping his phone," I asked.

"Already tried, must be off."

"Okay, does he have any property. Is there anything that might suggest where he would have Erin if he has her. Anywhere he frequents?" Voight asked.

"No," Adam typed something else in to his into his computer "But there is a house registered to a Ricky Sandoval on Lakeview. I don't know if they're related, but it's worth a shot."

"Okay, let's hit it."


"Chicago PD," I yelled as I kicked down the door.

With every room I entered and cleared I fell more and more into despair. There was no sign of Erin or Valon for that matter. In fact, it looked like the house had been empty for years.

"She's not here," I said angrily, losing hope.

"Let's split up, maybe there's a sign that will point us to where the are," Voight ordered.

"How do we know Valon even has Erin?" I questioned.

"We don't, but it's the only thing we have," Kim responded and we all spread out to look for evidence.

After only a brief look around the house Kim called out "I got something."

The rest of the unit and I hastily followed Kim's voice through the large house until we found what she was looking at. She had kicked aside some carpet to reveal a trap door.

Even with the door closed we could all hear that there was definitely conversation going on below us and the fact that we didn't hear it when we first entered the house surprised me.

"We don't announce this one," Voight said as he slowly opened the trap door to reveal a stair case.

From there the voices became much clearer and I was relieved to hear that one of them was Erin's.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," a voice whom I could only assume was Valon's muttered.

At that point I pushed my way past the rest of the unit and down the rest of the stairs with Voight close behind me.

"Chicago PD," I yelled as I rounded the stairs "drop the gun."

To see the state that Erin was in nearly killed me, but I couldn't worry about her yet I had to get the gun out of Valon's hands.

"I can't do that," Valon replied.

I trained my gun straight at Valon and he didn't even flinch.

"I'm not going to drop the gun," he shouted.

"Well neither am I," I said in response, resisting the urge to just put a billet through the kid's brain, but I knew the second I pulled my trigger he would pull his.

"You won't make it out of here alive Valon. Not unless you drop the gun right now," Voight said rather calmly for the situation at hand.

"I guess that just means there will be two bodies here instead of one," Valon shrugged and two gun shots rang out.

A/N: Thank y'all so much for 10k reads!! Also I'm sorry for being gone so long I didn't mean to do that. I'm going to try to update at least once a week if I can. I'm also thinking about switching up the writing style. Maybe to third person. Let me know what y'all think. This part didn't really give y'all any information and was kinda just a filler chapter I do love cliffhangers though.

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