Holding a Grudge Forever

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A little while later.

I actually don't know quite how long but the twins are almost two. I didn't really want to do a time jump but I need the story to progress.

Jay's POV:

I made to leave work like I usually did, but as I was walking towards the stairs Erin caught my arm. Though I easily could have pulled away I opted to just turn around and face her.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Jay we can't keep doing this. Just ignoring each other when we have kids that need us. We need to be adults, we need to both be there for our kids. I'm not asking you to like me or to forgive me, but I am asking if you and I can be parents together. Not parents that can barely even look at each other," Erin argued.

"Erin, you left without so much as a text good bye. Not to mention you started using again. You left our kids without a mother for six months. Six months. Honestly I can't trust that your not going to run off again so yeah, I'm having a hard time with the whole co-parenting thing," I scoffed as I turned to leave.

I was perfectly content with the way that things were. I was perfectly happy holding my grudge forever.

"You know what, your right I messed up. I've tried apologizing I've tried making it right. I'm not asking you to do this for me, but Nadia and Henry deserve better than two parents that can't even have a civilized conversation," she yelled.

"Besides, when I left for New York we weren't even together. In fact if I remember correctly you're the one who ran off when you found out you were married and I was the one trying to get you to stay. And yeah your right I did leave our kids for a little while. I did that to protect my mother. Why? I don't know, I don't know why I would do anything for her but I did. I protected her even though she didn't deserve it so I'm asking you that even if I don't deserve your forgiveness that you'll at least try. For our kids. I can't fix what I've done I the past we've all made mistakes, but I want to make things better for the future," Erin finished.

I saw the deep sincerity in the eyes that I had once grown to fall in love with. Forest green filled with passion.

"Maybe your right. Maybe we should try," I relented.

I guess I couldn't hold a grudge forever

Erin smiled slightly, clearly pleased with my agreement.

"How about dinner tonight, the four of us?" She offered.

"I guess that will work," I still wasn't terribly excited with everything "I'll come by around six-thirty."

Erin's POV:

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. Though we were still far from where we had been we had at least taken a step in the right direction. Though Jay hadn't forgiven me yet we had both agreed to be there for the kids together. That was a start.

We both left the precinct and went out separate ways. A gentle snow had started to fall over the course of the day, leaving the ground littered with a soft powder. Today of course the snow was great but soon it would melt only to refreeze covering the roads in a dangerous ice.

I drove to the preschool to pick up Nadia and Henry. Their school technically ended at three but luckily they had after school extended care. I picked them up and secured them in their car seat.

"Can we play in the snow?" Henry questioned.

"Only for a little bit because we're going to go to dinner with your dad," I answered.

"You're coming too?" Nadia asked.

"Yep this time I am going to come with you too," I turned a corner.

I decided to take the kids to a park to play instead of going home. I shot a text to Jay to ask him to meet us there instead. I helped them out of the car and sat down on a bench and watched them play.

"Push me mommy," Nadia called from across the playground on the swing set.

She had gotten tired of the snow pretty quickly, complaining of how cold and wet it was. Henry on the other hand was still having the time of his life playing with another young boy who was maybe a year older than him.

I made my way over to Nadia and gently pushed the swing. Henry and the other boy approached me.

"This is Fallow, can he come over to play sometime?" Henry asked gesturing to the dark skinned boy next to him.

"Yeah of course he can, I just need to meet his parents so we can have him over," I smiled.

Fallow introduced me to his mother as "his new best friends mom".

"Hi, I'm Trish," she introduced.

We sat and talked for a little while until I heard a blood curdling scream from the woods behind the

"Can you watch Henry and Nadia for me? I'm going to go see what that was," I asked Trish.

She nodded and I proceeded to the dark patch of woods. I got in pretty deep before seeing a girl who looked to be about seven who seemed scared but unharmed. I knelt down in front of her to get to her eye level.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She slowly lifted her arm and pointed behind me. I followed her arm to see a man who couldn't have been much older than eighteen.

I stood up to face the man "Is this your..." I was going to say sister but that was all I was able to get out before something very cold and very hard hit me in the back of the head.

Instagram @ cpd.bdavis

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