A Family

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Erin's POV:

I was sitting at my desk getting ready to leave when Kim approached my desk.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get together and talk since we haven't really had a chance to catch up since you got back?" Kim asked.

It was nice to know that at least she wanted to hang out with me and wasn't trying to avoid me like the plague like Jay was. It was comforting to know that someone didn't hate me.

"Sure, where do you want to meet?"

"How about Molly's or wait maybe we shouldn't go there sorry, I forgot about..." She trailed off.

I smiled a little "We can go there or wherever else you want to go," I assured her.

"Okay, so how about six-thirty?"

I agreed and left the precinct to go get ready. Since Jay had the kids I didn't have to worry about them. When I arrived at Molly's I ordered a water and went to go sit at a booth to wait for Kim. A few minutes later she walked in and scanned the room looking for me. Upon noticing where I was sitting she slid into the booth across from me.

"So, what have I missed in the past two years?" I asked.

"Um, well Adam and I got married," she started.

I was more surprised than I probably should have been, but after their last engagement had ended so terribly I hadn't expected them to get back together. "Wow, congratulations!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks, and we have two little ones. Clara who's just a few months younger than yours and our three-month-old Sofia," she explained.

"I certainly missed a lot while I was in New York," I muttered.

"Yeah, Will and Natalie put a ring on it too, other than that not much has happened. Other than the fact that we got a new member of intelligence but you already met her today."

I nodded.

"How was your first day?" Kim asked.

"Admittedly it was kind of weird sitting there answering phones all day while everyone else ran off into the action. It was nice to have something to do though. It was also kind of weird being around Jay all day. He's kind of been avoiding me. He has every right to be mad at me I just keep wondering how long it'll be until he accepts my apology and moves on with life."

"You know when you left he was crushed apparently he was going to pro-," Kim paused mid-sentence.

"He was going to what?"

"It'd not really my place to tell you."

"Please Kim," I begged.

She had gotten me interested and if she didn't tell me the curiosity would kill me.

"Fine, he was going to propose the night you left. He'd gotten the ring from his brother and everything."

I was shocked. We weren't even together when I'd left for New York. Not since I'd found out that Jay was married and he went to go stay with his brother.

"What do you mean he was going to propose? We weren't even together!"

Kim simply shrugged in response. We talked for a little while longer before Kim said she needed to get home to Adam and her kids. We'd said goodbye and I was on my way back to Hank's house. When I walked in I saw Hank sitting at the kitchen table.

"Did you know that Jay was going to propose the night I left for New York?" I asked bluntly.

"Who told you that?" He asked, clearly shocked by my question.

"Kim," I answered.

He sighed "Yeah, I did Halstead actually had asked for my blessing first, but he never had the chance to propose because you left."

"It's not like I had a choice, it was either that or my mother would end up in prison and I wouldn't have a job."

"Hey, don't tell me that, tell Halstead."

I sighed as I went to go check on the kids. They were both sound asleep in their bedroom. They both looked so peaceful and innocent just lying there. They had no idea the cruelties of the world and they wouldn't for a while. Nadia curled up with her pink elephant that Hank had given her and Henry laying sprawled on his back with his thumb in his mouth, clutching his lion with his other hand. I sat down on the edge of the bed. They'd stopped sleeping in cribs when we'd come back to Chicago in the first place. Now they were sharing a queen-sized bed that was plenty big enough for two not even two-year-olds. I thought about how things would have been different if I never went to New York. Jay and I would still be together if not married and he'd be working in intelligence. I don't know where I would have been working because of all the issues that shoving a gun down some guys throat can cause, but we would have been together. We would have been a family.

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