A Chmerkovskiy Wedding Part II

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Chapter 12
A Chmerkovskiy Wedding Part ll
The reception was the icing on the cake. It was a night that Meryl would never forget. She and Maks entered the room now as "Mr. and Mrs. Chmerkovskiy!" Meryl loved the sound of that, Mrs. Meryl Chmerkoskiy, it's perfect! When they entered arm in arm everyone clapped and cheered like they were king and queen. They walked around and greeted their guests politely and finally it came to their first dance as husband and wife! Meryl and Maks reluctantly let go of each other and went to the opposite sides of the room where there were shoji screens already set up so she could change. Meryl changed in record time and saw that Maks had as well. The lights went out leaving the room in complete darkness so Meryl could silently meet Maks in the middle of the dance floor. Their guests were startled but were soon calmed when little strings of lights lit up so they weren't in complete darkness though they were still unable to see Meryl and Maks. Meryl pressed against Maks' bare chest, exactly like that night.
"Ready beautiful?" Maks whispered Meryl could hear the smile in his voice.
"Lets do this." Meryl said and Maks knelt down and lifted Meryl over his shoulders and the spot light lit up on top of them. It was exactly how they started their freestyle dance in the last week of DWTS. Their first dance as husband and wife was about to be their most passionate dance they had performed. Latch began to play and Meryl slid down from Maks' now standing body. Although during their performance on Dancing With the Stars, their faces were very dramatic, Meryl couldn't stop smiling. She slid across the floor and when she made Maks bend backwards she stole a quick kiss before she threw him away as instructed in the choreography. The dance went on and Maks twirled her around and around this way and that, until it was the end of the dance and just like on the show they ended with Meryl's hands on either side of Maks' face but this time she didn't hesitate, she kissed him, long and hard. She heard clapping and whistling and then the DJ shouted
"Mr. and Mrs. Chmerkovskiy everyone!" everyone continued to clap and started to approach them giving their "congratulations" and "Wow that was amazing" comments. Meryl was having the time of her life, she didn't want to leave the warmth of Maks side so she stayed clutching Maks' bare arm and leaning her head on his shoulder, smiling.
There was an amazing, incredible, talented, beautiful women attached to Maks' arm and he just wanted to take her away from all these people and love her forever. The night went on and Maks eventually put a shirt back on after his grandmother so kindly asked. Which means she yelled at Maks in Russian to put some clothes on because this was a wedding not a strip club. Of course Val just stood there cracking up while Babushka went off on Maks. But when he came back with a shirt on Meryl frowned and whimpered.
"There's no pleasing you women." Maks said lifting his arms in frustration. Meryl laughed which made Maks' frustration melt away. She came over and hugged him.
"I thought you already knew that I preferred you without clothes?" Meryl whispered Maks blushed and looked around to make sure his family didn't hear. Meryl must of guessed what he was thinking because her eyes widened and she began to blush.
"I- um." She looked around nervously and Maks laughed.
"Nobody heard you Meryl, and if they did, good." Maks bent down and kissed Meryl tenderly, Maks groaned when Meryl pulled away "God I can't wait until tonight when I have you to myself." He said huskily. Meryl smiled wickedly
"Me neither."
When it was time for the toasts, Babushka went first, speaking fluent Russian so Val had to translate. Maks could see that Meryl was close to crying because of Babushka's words so he put an arm around her and felt her relax into his touch. All the toasts were sweet and full of congratulations and hopes for a good future together. It was finally Maks' turn to toast to his beautiful bride. Maks stood up and stared down at Meryl. It was as if it were just the two of them looking at each other, having their own private conversation. Nobody else around them mattered at this moment only Meryl. Always Meryl.
"Meryl, my beautiful bride. I am so thankful to now be your husband. There is nothing more that I want other than to see your face everyday when I wake up and to know that what we have is forever. I now know that I am the luckiest man alive just to be in your presence, but to know call you my wife is more than I am worthy of. I love you Meryl." Maks looked up at the audience and raised his glass. "To Meryl!" There were cheers and clinks of glasses as everyone toasted to Meryl. Maks sat down and Meryl put her arms around him, holding him tightly. She was pressing her face in his shoulder and Maks could feel the warmth of her tears.
"I love you too." She whispered and kissed his cheek. Maks wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her lips. More cheers erupted from the crowd and both Meryl and Maks laughed.
Meryl couldn't wait until they got to wherever they were going for their honeymoon. Maks said it was a surprise and she wasn't allowed to know but he knew she would love it. Meryl didn't doubt that because she knew Maks knew her better than anyone else did. She was just so excited. She still couldn't believe she was married but she was definitely not complaining. She scolded herself for ever thinking that they were moving to fast because this was exactly where she wanted to be with Maks. Meryl was now on a plane going where she didn't know, sitting comfortably next to Maks and leaning her head on his shoulder. Meryl's mind was drifting and she could feel her eyelids drooping, all she could think about was Maks' hand massaging up and down her back as she fell asleep.
"Meryl, honey wake up. We're landing soon." Meryl woke up to Maks' gentle voice. She looked up at Maks and smiled, then looked out the window to see that they were about to land in Hawaii. She immediately straightened up.
"You took me to Hawaii! How did you know I wanted to come back here?" Meryl asked clearly pleased
Maks just shrugged and smiled
"I have people." Meryl laughed and hugged him. When they finally descended and exited off of the plane, Maks lead Meryl to a man holding a sign that said "Mr. and Mrs. Chmerkovskiy" written in neat handwriting. The man was standing in front of a limo. Fancy, Meryl thought and got in the limo with Maks.
"So where to?" Meryl asked and Maks gave her a mischievous smile as the Limo drove out of the airport parking lot. They were going to have some fun tonight Meryl thought wickedly...

"A Meryl and Maks Fanfic" is copyright 2014 @Maksyl18, all rights reserved.

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