Chapter Six: Maksyl

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Chapter 6


"Oh my god..." Meryl whispered. She looked under the sheets. She was still wearing the clothes from last night. She fell onto her pillow with a sigh of relief. "What happened?" she whispered to herself, putting her hands over her face. The body stirred and when she took her hands off her face, Maks was looking back at her, his head on his hand.

"You got really drunk." he said looking like he was trying not to laugh. Meryl sat up and threw a pillow at him which made him burst into laughter.

"Shut up! Its not funny!" She got out of bed and looked at him. Maks, sexy Maks, laying in her bed with no shirt on and messy hair from sleep. "We... we didn't..." Meryl started but Maks chuckled and shook his head.

"No Meryl, we didn't." Meryl let out a sound of relief.

"Thank god." she said then stopped as she saw Maks raise his eyebrows. "Not that I wouldn't want to... I mean you're great... but, um ..." Meryl didn't know what to say and she could feel her face getting hot. Maks laughed.

"I know what you mean Meryl." he paused then smiled and said "But I am great in bed."

Meryl finally laughed

"Confident much?"

"Yes I am." Maks said, Meryl rolled her eyes, then got serious.

"So what did happen?" she asked, Maks took a moment to answer.

"Well, you had a little too much to drink, got drunk, and when I took you home we started kissing. Then you took off my shirt." Maks stopped to give Meryl a sexy look. Meryl reached for another pillow and threw it at him.

"Just tell me what happened after that!" she yelled, Maks chuckled and continued.

"After that I knew you were too drunk to know what you were doing so I wasn't going to take advantage of you. I laid you on your bed and started to leave." Meryl interrupted him

"But you stayed, why?" she asked confused , Maks looked away

"You said you needed me and I felt guilty leaving you alone where you could hurt yourself, so I stayed ." He looked at her with loving eyes.

"In my bed?" was all she could think about saying. Maks smiled

"That was all you Merbear." Meryl was speechless. What could she say to that? She wanted to jump onto the bed and lather him with kisses just because. But she had to get into the shower, she reeked.

"I'll be right back... you're free to anything in my fridge if you want." she said , thinking any other day she would invite Maks to take a shower with her but today was different. It felt like things were going too fast. She almost slept with Maks! If she were ever going to sleep with Maks she wanted it to be perfect and she wanted to be sober.

Meryl ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She brushed her teeth 4 times to get rid of the alcohol smell. When she got out, Maks was in the kitchen rummaging in her fridge. There was a box of cereal on the table. He came out of the fridge with the carton of milk.

"Want some cereal?" he said so casually.

"Um no thanks." Meryl said, sitting next to him at the table. It was only 7:00am so they had an hour until rehearsal.

"So this is what it would be like, huh?" Maks asked with a smile. Meryl loved it when he smiled, it warmed her heart. she cleared her throat as to hide what she was thinking.

"would be like what?" she asked

"To live with you." Maks said simply

"Uh I guess so" Meryl laughed "Exciting huh?" Maks continued to smile at her, like he was seeing her but lost in thought.

"Yes very exciting." Maks finished his cereal, put the bowl in the dishwasher, and took Meryls hand. He lifted her so she was standing.

"Come let me show you something." He said

"Don't we have to get ready for practice?" Meryl asked confused

"Take your stuff it's on the way."

Meryl held Maks' hand while he drove her to this special place he wanted to show her.

"You know I love you right?" Maks asked, Meryl smiled

"Yeah, I know. Do you know that I love you?" she asked, that's when Maks stopped the car, they were on a mountain.

"Yes, that's why I brought you here." Maks bent over and kissed Meryl on the cheek before getting out of the car. He opened Meryl's door for her and helped her out.

"Where are we?" Meryl asked wondrously, her eyes wide with awe for the view.

"Meryl look a little closer babe." he put his hand on Meryl's back and gently pushed her forward. Then she saw it, as clear as day, the Hollywood sign. They were on THE mountain.

"Wow." she said then turned to Maks "Why did you bring me here?" she asked him. He smiled at her confusion.

"Because this place is very special to me just like you are. I used to always come here when I needed to clear my head, but now all my head is filled with is you, Meryl." Maks said and leaned in to kiss Meryl hard on the mouth. Meryl melted into the kiss, wanting more. Their bodies were pressed together in a loving embrace. Maks broke the kiss after a while. Meryl wasn't sure how much time had gone past because she was so caught up in Maks' lips.

"Its time to dance my beauty." he whispered in her ear, he was still cupping her face in his hands.

"I want it to be like this forever. I can't stand to hide this, I want to be able to touch you." Meryl whispered back.

"Let our dance say it all." Maks said with a wicked grin and kissed her again.

"A Meryl and Maks Fanfic" is copyright 2014 @Maksyl18, all rights reserved

~Almost 800 reads!! Thank you so much!! This makes me so happy!!

For those of you that don't follow my DWTS IG (@dwts_18) or my tumblr (@robertpattinson-1986 its all Maksyl but the username isn't Maksyl and I don't know how to change it), guess who I met this weekend..... MAKSIM CHMERKOVSKIY!!!! I ALMOST DIED. HE'S SO SWEET OMG. IF YOU WANT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT IT FOLLOW MY IG AND TUMBLR. THERES A WHOLE RECAP ON TUMBLR.


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