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Maximus wanted to get this over with, he didn't want to spend another second here with Ethan. So did Ethan, he didn't like being stuck in his room anymore. He used to love being in his room, reading his books and studying by himself, but now, knowing that he couldn't leave whenever he wanted to, unnerved him. He wanted to leave his room as soon as possible.

Maximus trudged through the dense forest hoping to find even one of his friends. It was impossible, there were vines everywhere, they seem to want to strangle Maximus with every step he took. "Cut through the vines with your sword Max." Suggested Ethan. "Thanks for the advice I totally did not think about Ethan. Do you know why? Cause even the sword can't cut through these thick vines." Teased Maximus.

He passed by one more big bunch of vines and then, the vines were gone. It seemed as if they disintegrated from the trees.

"What? How did they just disappear?" Maximus asked in confusion.

"I don't know, just be happy that there aren't any more vines you need to cut through. Don't question it ok?"Ethan replied.

Maximus trekked through the forest, calling for his friends every now and then. No response, no one here. It was hopeless, Maximus thought to himself, it was impossible to find all his friends, the kingdom was huge after all.

Whoosh! Maximus heard something dash past him... what was that? His back felt heavier all of a sudden. Every step he took seemed heavier than the last. It was as if something was crawling up his back. His regret was crawling up his back. He regretted buying that biased 20-sided die in the first place. That regret felt so real, so heavy and so painful... That pain felt so physical... wait... Maximus turned around, to find an enormous beetle on his back!

Maximus started booking it, he dashed through the forest, afraid to get caught by that beetle. It was the size of a full-grown dog, chasing him down. The purple beetle opened its wings, flying with its translucent yellow wings. Its fangs were as sharp as knives, if it pierced through Maximus' skin, it could kill... Maximus had to get out of there, fast.

The beetle was catching up to Maximus, his heavy armour and shield were to blame. His sword wasn't helping either.

Maximus thought it was the end for him when suddenly, something flew past him again, this time, it was thin, it was fast and it was an arrow? The arrow impaled the man-eating beetle, as it scurried away. Whoosh! The beetle got another arrow stuck on its back as it groaned with its last breath. The beetle disintegrated into a mixture of dust. It was a mix of golden dust and purple dust.

"I need that please don't take that!" A women's voice screamed. The archer jumped down from the tree he was hiding in and walked towards Maximus. The women approached the magic stardust and collected the beetle's poison. "Oh this, this would make a good potion. Don't you think...Maximus?"

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