Chapter 1

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"I am nothing short of a killer." Helena would say to her group of followers when they were behaving untoward, this time her anger was directed at Lucius for letting James Potter and his band of merry men get under his skin. When Helena had found him,he had drawn his wand and was about to cast an Unforgivable, luckily for him, she had stopped him as she had sensed the strong intent to use the spell coming from his vicinity, sending a small smile to her fellow prefect Remus Lupin, she dragged Lucius away. "Remember Malfoy, or I shall have to report this type of behavior to my brother and your lord." Lucius's back straightened as he shook his head fervently, "No my Lady, that is simply not necessary. I assure you I shall better control my temper." Helena smiled and patted Lucius's cheek, making the older boy slightly smile, "Let us get to our classes Malfoy, we need Slyherin's best minds sharp." She prompted as they walked away, from around the corner, James Potter and Sirius Black stumbled out from thin air, surprised at the turn of events that had taken place.

'Helena Marius Riddle, 16 years old, a Slytherin, a prefect, a genius. She is a charismatic young woman who has an excellent way with words, she is thought to be the only witch in existence with a penchant to sense dark magic, quite funny if you take into consideration that her older brother is Tom Marvolo Riddle, the dark lord.' James read from a paper Sirius had nicked from Marlene. "So the Slytherin captain, the mousy brown haired seductress, is the sister of the most feared man in the wizarding world?" Sirius asked mid bite of his treacle tart. James didn't respond to him, he was too busy looking at the picture Marlene pasted above the information, it was a picture of Helena mid laugh, surrounded by members of her house when they won the match against Ravenclaw, she looked so innocent and loving, one couldn't even imagine that she was related to the most feared wizard of their time. "-so I said, 'offical business marls I'll give you your info booklet back when I'm done. She cursed me every name under the- hey mate are you even listening?" Sirius waved his hand in front of James's face, the bespectacled boy shook out of his reverie and looked at his best friend, "We need to figure her out."

That day as Helena made her way to Potions, she was accosted by the Marauders, specifically James and Sirius, Remus was shaking his head while Peter looked on in fear, Helena hid a small grin, the mousy boy had a lot to fear since he joined the dark side."Riddle, right?" Sirius started off,making those crimson and blue eyes glance at him,"it is a pleasure to meet you Black, I mean Potter." She said softly, Sirius almost stumbled, "Why'd you call me Potter?" Helena shrugged, "You aren't a Black anymore and you practically live with James, Potter is befitting." And with that she walked into the class. The marauders stood there, staring at her retreating figure before following her in, she was sitting in the back row of the Transfiguration classroom, her notebook and quill already on the table as she took out a woollen pouch that held her square glasses, she popped them on, quietly chewing on the end of her quill. The marauders made their way to the seats they normally occupied, all but James, whom for the first time, sat at the back right next to Helena, the girl looked up confused at him, before quietly going back to her notebook. Sirius sent James a pointed look as he took in the scene and James looked back with a small smirk, Remus chuckled under his breath as he watched James. "James seems very interested in her Pads." Remus said quietly, Sirius chuckled, "I don't know if he likes her as of yet what do you think?" Remus only smiled as McGonagall walked in to begin the lesson.

The lesson required partners, as they were working on a presentation about animagi, Helena mentally laughed as she thought of her form, a white doe that for some reason meant purity. As she read through the notes during her free time, she frowned as she remembered something, James had frozen when McGonagall gave them the assignment, he locked eyes on Sirius and Remus and even worm tail, Helena was a bit confused till she realised why, rushing to her dorm room she pulled out her twin diary that connected her to her older brother. 34 years her senior didn't stop Tom from being her older brother, genetically she was supposed to be much older but a curse put on her when she was born only allowed her to age when her soulmate was born, Tom had diligently raised her, his horcruxes keeping him as young as he was when he first made one. She picked up her quill and wrote a brief message:

Hello brother. I apologize for bothering you while you are busy but I needed to check if peter was an animagus?

Love Helena

The message dissolved into the pages and almost immediately a reply was sent back.

Hello my little sister. Never apologize for writing to me I am never too busy for you. And for your answer, yes he indeed is.

Love your older brother

Helena smiled at the message sending a heart his way before closing the book, her suspicions were right. The boys weren't scared because they were not working together, nor where they worried that James was paired off with a Slytherin, they were worried because they were animagi and by the looks of it, as illegal as Helena was. When she walked into the Great Hall that afternoon,she was accosted by none other than James Potter, "Hey Riddle, could we work on the first part of the presentation today, I'm kinda busy tomorrow night." Helena nodded in agreement before walking to her table and filling her plate, she ignored the looks of curiousity from the other slytherins and just gave them a pointed look to turn them away. Tomorrow was something urgent, he could have just not turned up but he had to tell her. "what's so special about tomorrow?" She mumbled, looking at the calendar by her bedside that night, her eyes widened as she looked at the date. It wasn't exactly the date but what fell on it. A full moon.

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