Chapter 9

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3 weeks later of intense training the boys were all physically and mentally exhausted, they were being trained especially by Helena and Tom, and were being taught every trick of the trade. That night there was going to be a small gathering of the trusted elite, and the boys, well James,Remus and Sirius, were being fitted into dress robes. James was on edge, since the day they were brought in, he hadn't had a moment alone with Helena, she was always too busy or she was absent from the mansion, yet at their training sessions, Sirius had always mentioned that her eyes were always on him, watching for his safety and smiling secretly when he had bested one of the inner circle. "I see my sister has you trying on new clothing for tonight's gathering." came Tom's voice from the entrance of the room, all three boys turned and held their hands above their hearts "My Lord" they chorused, "Please, please, you are my little sisters elite not mine, just call me Tom." They nodded as the magical tailors all walked out to get the robes ready for the night, "James you seem tense." James picked up his head at the mention of his name, "What seems to be the matter." James was unnaturally quiet, till Remus spoke up, "He misses Helena, Tom." Sirius nodded, "She hasn't spoken one word to him as of yet." James just stared at the table mosaics in silence before Tom spoke, "I see. Well it is only natural since they are destined mates. James, do not feel forlorn, Helena has been a baby for most of her life, only 16 years ago did she start to grow thanks to you, she has never had a crush on a boy, nor has she been serious on the ones she has dated. You are the first person she has ever seen in a serious light, and from what I've heard from Salazar, she is keeping her distance to make you stronger. Stupid move from my side, because she is suffering as well, tonight make your move my boy, you cant lose."

That night James and the boys got ready, Sirius was dressed in a charcoal grey suit with grey lace trimmings along the lining and black cuffs, Remus was in a reddish brown suit which had marron lace linings and silver cuffs, Peter had a white suit with no lace lining as he said he felt uncomfortable and cream cuffs. James however, was a sight to behold, he had on a black suit with black underlying lace and charcoal cuffs, Sirius gave a short wolf whistle as James tried to tame his hair, the boy chuckled as he successfully tamed it to look a bit manageable as they made their way downstairs to wait with the other elites. As they were socialising, Tom's voice echoed throughout the room, "Dear friends, and my dear children, I would like to welcome you to our ball here tonight, we have practised long and hard these past few weeks, tonight is to celebrate our upcoming victory and to welcome our new elite!" Everyone clapped for the children as they all bowed and waved, " Now a few words from my sister, our chosen one." James felt his breath catch in his throat, Helena looked beautiful, she didn't seem to walk but glide in the dress she was wearing, it was made if cream silk and a slit up the side, butterflies and flower designs were tapered to the net at the bottom and diamonds encrusted at the sides of the sleeves, she wore dainty heels that were gold and silver studded and she had her hair up in a stylish updo, James was knocked out of his fantasy when Sirius pinched his arm, "My dear family, that is what you all are to me, you have been here from the beginning, helping my brother look after me and even teaching me everything I know, your children are my dear friends more than faithful followers. Now, we have something in our way, something that is as evil as we are portrayed to be, we want nothing but peace for our world, and for it not to be pulled into darkness and despair, I was born, as it was said in the prophecy, to end this war, with the help of the man I love." She looked at James with a smile, "And with a faithful group to help me overcome this, and that is my elite! But tonight we shall celebrate, so drink, make merry and live!"

After that speech, Helena was pulled to different families and spoken to, it took James 2 whole hours before he got her attention, as her pulled her to the quiet corner of the room. "You seem to be avoiding me Miss Riddle." He said playfully, she crossed her arms and lifted her arched eyebrow, "Mister Potter, I assure you, if I was avoiding you, you would never have caught me." she winked at him, James laughed before hugging her, holding his arms after what felt like years, she returned it just as tightly and smiled up at him, "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you these past weeks." she said softly, making James kiss her forehead and holds her close, "Nothing can keep me away from you Helena." he whispered into her ear, she held his face before looking into his eyes, his brown eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of her crimson blue ones. Before he knew it, he was leaning into her, and she was leaning into him and their lips met each other in an explosion of passion, James had the taste of citrus and fresh fruit in his mouth while Helena tasted mint and treacle tart, her plump lips glided over his smooth set ones, but they were interrupted when a loud bang was heard from the entrance of the mansion, Helena gathered her dress and ran to the hall, followed by James, they were faced by a horrendous sight, Dumbledore stood there, in all his silver glory, with Lily Evans by his side, her face caked in dry blood and her eyes wild, she was surrounded by various members of the Order of The Phoenix and she was laughing manically, Helena rushed forward, and not even Tom could stop her in time as she was brought to her knees, seeing the mangled body of her personal house elf Tilla, "I found you snake."

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