Chapter 4

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James gulped back the lump he didn't realize was in his throat, he took in her change in posture, the glint in her eyes as black sludge oozed out of it, her teeth looked sharper as she smiled, even that looked feral and it scared him. "M-marius? Isn't that her second name or something?" He said unconfidantly, Marius nodded a psychotic smile on her face, "Yes yes! Helena Marius Riddle! That's us!" She cackled softly. James knew he had messed up, he needed to apologize to her, both of them,to get out of this or he'd die here. "Marius, I apologize." The girl tilted her head and chuckled, "So you heard about my brothers outburst?" James nodded and Marius pulled away her wand, "He's never had me cry." She whispered, "Neither has Helena had reason to cry. I was born years ago you know, Helena and I. We would have been in my late 30's this year."

James staggered backwards as he heard that, still keeping silent as he listened to her talk, " When I was born, Tom was much older than I was. And I wasn't his blood sister, our fathers are the same yes, but not our mothers, my mother Rosalind was a squib." James noticed that her eyes had turned back to the crimson and blue she was famous for, "I got the powers, when Tom....killed my father and grandparents I was crying in my crib, mother had died at childbirth so I had no one. Tom took me with him, raised me in secret, he was just 16 and he had so much of pressure on him already, he had to pass his N.E.W.T.s, he had the Death Eaters to look after and command, and now a little sister. Then he had the biggest challenge, in my stupidity, I got myself cursed." James's eyebrows furrowed, "There was this bracelet in the ROR, it was cursed by a fae from the north. These creatures where notorious for curses that involved true loves, and for some reason I got the strongest one, I was to stay an infant, till the year my other half, or 'soulmate', is born. Tom raised me for so many years, he never complained, still doesn't, but I had a feeling he was relieved when I started growing 16 years ago. Marius entered the picture about 12 years ago, it wasn't anything special, I just felt a voice at the back of my head, I thought i was going crazy, till black sludge started oozing out of my right eye, I remember Tom running in to check what was going on, I had never seen my brother so scared. When he tried casting diagnostics, I felt the voice in my head get louder and louder till it screamed words out of my mouth. Tom realised that this was probably a demon alter ego, Marius doesn't know why she was put into me, and neither do I, but tom took care of both of us, he changed my outfits when my taste in clothing came around, he listened to the type of music i wanted, Tom did a lot for me, he never saw me cry, until this morning." James stood speechless as she ended her story, and said nothing to stop her when she walked away.

Lily Evans watched her boyfriend and Helena from behind the wall, James was getting too close to Helena, was finding out too much. She needed to report to Dumbledore, if things didn't go out as planned that accursed prophecy would reign true, and she wouldn't get the status she so visibly craved.

James walked into the Great Hall the next morning, Sirius and the rest of his friends were already at the table waiting for him, "Well mate?" Sirius asked, James shook his head, "I waited by the common room door for her to come out, she didn't, finally Malfoy told me to leave or he would report me to McGonagall." Remus patted his friends back softly, as did Sirius and Peter, when, for the first time ever, the Slytherin house screamed and clapped, everyone looked at the table, to see what was causing the uproar, only to be shocked. Fenrir Greyback, the badboy werewolf, and Helena's best friend, was kissing her, and from the looks of it, she was enjoying it or at the very least not stopping him, James's face fell as he watched, Sirius and Remus were in shock, while Peter just put his head down. "He's an animal isn't he." Marlene said as she sat down, joined by Alice and lily, "They're a good match though Marls, one is a psychotic, deranged lunatic and the other is a werewolf." Lily said in disgust. The boys kept silent, the three marauders watching James put on a fake smile as he kissed Lily's cheek, and it was at that moment they realised, he didn't love Lily as much as he said anymore.

Fenrir and Helena getting together was the talk of the school Monday morning, everyone had different theories as to why the best friends finally decided to be together, and honestly, James wished they would all just shut up, he was getting snappy at people and everyone had began to notice, especially Helena. During Muggle Studies, which Fenrir opted to bunk, Helena sat next to James, his face went through a series of annoyed to angry, to just blank, she kept quiet during the lesson, only when they were given time to finish up an activity, did she look at him. James tried his best to ignore her, but her steady crimson-blue glare had him lifting his head up, his breath caught in his throat, her eyes looked shiny, her hair was left in waves around her face and she was biting her lip in nervousness. "James, is there is something wrong?" He blinked twice, this was the first time she had said his name and he couldn't help the small smile that made it's way onto his face before he stopped. "What do you want Riddle?" He asked boredly, "I just wanted to know if you were okay?" she said quietly, James put on a sadistic smile and just laughed, "Just peachy death eater just peachy." He didn't miss the shadow that passed over face as he said,nor did he miss the veins turning black across her face as tears swelled up in her eyes, she packed her things and walked out just as the bell rang, and James held his head in his hands once more as the other marauders just watched him.

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