Chapter 2

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That night Helena waited in the library for James, she was a bit more fidgety than normal as her mind replayed her discoveries. The boys were definitely animagi, but one of them was also a werewolf, just like her best friend Fenrir, she bit her bottom lip as she tapped the table soundlessly, it wasn't Peter, obviously, the rat was too scared of his own shadow, Sirius was out, her doe nose scented wet dog on him more than an earthy one, so it left James and Remus. Helena was tilting more towards James than Remus, but then she took a good look at the Gryffindor prefect as he sat at the other table with Sirius and Peter, the deep scars on his face and the weariness there hinted greatly at the werewolf hiding beneath his skin, and she felt her heart break. Remus Lupin was a quiet boy, brilliant and a loyal friend, she observed how he defended his best friends even when the evidence against them was very strong, she smiled softly when she realised the reason as to why the boys became animagi, unlike her whom was born with the ability, they chose to go through with the process for their best friend. When James ran into the library to find Helena, she stopped her observations and went back to her research.

James Potter had been late to his appointment with Helena Riddle, he ran through the halls as fast as he could, if only he had told Lily before that he needed to work tonight, then maybe she wouldn't have distracted him. But James had an ear splitting smile on his face thinking of his girlfriend Lily, after 5 long years of wooing her, she finally gave him a chance, but for some reason his heart felt uneasy, when he repeated the word girlfriend, he shoved the feelings away as he rushed into the library, his eyes scanning the seats, waving quietly at his best mates before noticing Helena. His heart rate picked up a bit when he looked at her, a fact that Remus, Sirius and Peter looking at him in worry, all three looked around, obviously looking for Lily, only to find their best mate staring straight at Helena. James stumbled a bit to her table sat down, earning a small smile from her as she passed him a book that had her notes in it, he read over the research as he quietly watched her pouring over the research, her eyes dancing across the page, the subtle and quiet way she bit her lip when she was concentrating, the way her brow furrowed as she disagreed with something, she looked beautiful...James blinked twice, he couldn't be thinking things like that, he was in love with and dating Lily Evans, this is technically cheating, thinking like this. He went back to reading her notes and added commentary in her cursive dialect before hearing her sigh and stretch, his eyes darted up seeing her yawn a bit. "We technically just need one more day to finish this all up, tomorrow I am also a bit preoccupied, if you have no plans on Saturday I should be able to tell you what to bring to Hogsmeade." James looked a bit confused, "I am meeting my older brother for lunch on that day, so I will only be able to join you after 12. There is just some items you need to pick up for the presentation." James internally sighed, he had a date with Lily on Saturday, Helena's brows furrowed as she picked up her stuff, "You know what Potter, forget about it, I will do it myself. Enjoy your date." with that she walked out of the library, leaving James to wonder how she knew about his date.

The next night, James and the rest of the Marauders made their way to the shrieking shack where Moony was waiting for them, they quickly transformed and walked in, the four friends quietly running through the pathways to the forbidden forest. Moony suddenly stopped, looking up and sniffing the air before running off to find the source, the boys followed after him at a quick pace, only to see him stopping and staring at something. When they made their way to his side they were shocked, James especially, there in the clearing stood a pure white doe, quietly minding her own business as she drank water, next to her was a werewolf standing guard, growling fervently at the place the Marauders were hidden. The doe lifted up her head, looking up at the werewolf, and tilting its smooth head, the werewolf beckoned at the clearing making the doe quietly walk to the place it where he was growling. The wolf growled even louder until the doe turned around silencing him, now that they could see her clearer they noticed she had pure white fur and ruby red eyes, her head was tilted in confusion as she surveyed them, beckoning them to come closer. Prongs stepped forward, his head held up proudly as he stood in front of her, the doe seemed to smile, before stepping closer and licking the side of his face, making the stag stumble a bit in shock. Padfoot barked out a laugh at the shocked look on Prongs face, while Wormtail squeaked in enjoyment, Moony growled his acceptance of the matter, all the while watching the werewolf at the lake.

The next morning as the boys slept on the infirmary, they all quietly talked amongst themselves, "So there's another werewolf and Animagus in the castle." Remus said softly, the boys nodding in their agreement, "And it seems that the doe has taken a liking to our Prongs here." Sirius teased, making James turn a bit red as he remembered how the doe licked his cheek softly before disappearing into the forest. "Is it bad that I wish I knew who she was?" James asked in all honesty, the other Marauders shook their head. "It's normal to want to know these things Prongs." Peter said quietly, Sirius nodded, "Of course you would want to know mate, I mean she's a doe, you are a stag, it's a match." James frowned at Sirius, but couldn't stop the fact that his heart had started to race, all over again.

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