Chapter 6

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Dumbledore was sitting in his office when Lily Evans burst into the room, her fiery red hair flying around her face as she stomped in angrily, he adjusted his half-moon glasses and surveyed her as she paced, before calming herself down and sitting on the chair. "What seems to be the matter my dear." he asked quietly, Lily looked at him, angry tears springing into her eyes as she banged her fist onto the table, "He saw her!" she screamed. "I followed him, followed James to the lake where he was sitting, I was going to leave when I saw him turn into his Animagus and hide in the forest. Following him with that undetection charm you taught me I saw him watching her, listening to her sing. She turned into that freaking white doe Professor!" Dumbledore choked on the glass of pumpkin juice he had been drinking, "She turned into a what Ms. Evans?" He asked her slowly, "A white doe Professor. I have been manipulating my patronus to change into a doe Professor, but it's getting hard to keep up the act." Dumbledore had by then stopped listening to her, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand as he paced his office, "A white doe....a blasted white doe!" He walked to his pensieve and pulled out the memory he had collected, dropping it's contents inside he retreated into it.

A younger version of Dumbledore walked into Gringotts, making his way to Bloodfang's office. The gnarled goblin sat at his desk reading over some paperwork with a frown, "This is bad news Dumbledore." Bloodfang said with a small. "What is the matter old friend?" Bloodfang pulled out a shimmery orb, "As you know all prophecies are copied and kept at Gringotts while the originals are kept safe at The Department of Mysteries. On the 31st of October1943, a new prophecy popped up in the safe, we took it to the head of the bank and he listened to the prophecy and had us put it in the most secure vault at this institution, as the person who was in this prophecy had just been born." Dumbledore was on the edge of the seat, "And what does it state? The prophecy?" Bloodfang touched the orb, "Why don't you hear it for yourself." An eerie and calm voice sprung forth from the orb, "The girl born on All Hallows Eve will usher in a new millenia, a curse put on her shall her keep her from aging till her soul is complete. She shall be an anomaly, a white doe that has been unseen of nor heard of, she will be blessed by Mother Magick herself, in that form of innocence, she will be cruel and bloodthirsty to all who oppose her but shall be kind and loving to those who mean no harm. BEWARE those whom oppose her, for she shall build an army of loyal friends to tear her enemies apart, on her 16th birthday she shall find something that will confuse her, and the soul residing inside her."

Dumbledore exited the memory in a cold sweat, Helena Riddle was an anomaly, nobody knew how it was possible that Voldemort had a sister, especially one so young, teachers of course had scoffed at it, saying there were many Riddles in the world, that was until they saw her face. She had that same calm and collected demeanour Tom had, her eyes were that same crystalline blue but had little flecks of red residing within the irises, yet her mannerisms were not at all that of an evil girl. She respected everyone, be it they were half-blood, pure-blood or muggle-born, she spoke to all with the same manner of respect. Yet there was no denying that signature that had arrived with her during third year, that elegant scrawl of Tom's handwriting along with the Slytherin crest, as well as the Heir room only opening for her. But now there was a bigger problem, Helena was a white doe, the same white doe that was spoken off throughout the prophecy, according to school records her birthday was on the 31st of October, yet what had completed her soul? Dumbledore pondered as he paced, "She was stuck in a form of innocence, must be a fae curse, but which one..." As he thought his eyes lit up, "A fae spell linked to a soulmate. So her soul was complete when this person was born." Dumbledore's eyes lit up as he remembered the gossip of the school: Helena and Fenrir were dating.

Helena put her hair up in a messy bun that morning, her raven haired locks falling effortlessly on her face, when she walked into the common room, a stray Expulsio was directed her way, catching it in her hands she crushed it and looked at the room, Lucius had Severus on the ground, holding up his wand to stop from anymore magic. "What is the meaning of this Severus." Helena asked with a deathly calm, the long haired boy looked at her with hatred but his glare became nothing under her nonchalant glance, "You should stay away from Potter, Riddle." The entire room was in shock, Severus was a loyal follower, he had never spoken back to Helena nor did he call her by her last name, Helena bent down and caught his chin with her hand, "I see Lily sent her lapdog after me, I Always knew you were too soft Snape." The room felt colder as she spoke, her voice becoming harsh, "Tell the Evans girl that she is too speak to me face to face and to stop cowering behind a worthless man." She snarled, sending a slight shock of magic at Severus when he was let up, the boy almost running out of the room in fright. "Are you okay my lady?" Lucius asked, she nodded and patted his cheek, her eyes scanning for Fenrir who seemed to be absent. "He wasn't here this morning as well Lady." Lucius informed her, Helena nodded as she walked out of the dungeon only to walk into James and Sirius looking frantic. "Potter, Black what's the-" She was pulled by James into his chest, "Don't go outside." As Sirius pulled Lucius to the corridor, cries of pain and anguish had Helena push out of James embrace to find her best friend and bodyguard, dead on the floor. Falling to her knees she cried, her agony and pain echoing throughout Hogwarts as she fell into James's arms.

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