Chapter 3

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Saturday morning the Marauders all made their way to Hogsmeade, everyone splitting up to do their own thing, James walked into the Three Broomsticks to find Lily waiting for him, the two smiled at each other, as James kissed his girlfriends cheek before sitting down. A mug of butterbeer was already sitting on the table for him and he drank it graciously. The two spoke about their homes, and traditions and James could honestly say he was having a good time, until Lily's smile dropped off her face, James turned to see what upset his girlfriend so much, only to see Helena. He waved at the girl whom smiled and waved back, before sitting at a table further down from theirs alone, "You are friends with one of the Heirs of Slytherins?" Lily asked hotly crossing her arms, "She's my partner in Transfiguration remember Lily flower?" Lily nodded as she snickered at Helena, "She's sitting alone I see." James nodded, "If I remember correctly she said she was meeting her brother here." Lily looked at James and shook her head, "There is no way the Dark Lord is going to show up at The Three Broomsticks." James noticed Helena's face light up as she darted out of her seat and into the arms of a tall, dark and handsome young man. Lily's face scrunched up as she looked at them in disgust, while James felt his heart clench, Helena kissed the boy's cheek before pulling him into the booth. She lied to me, he thought as he looked at her, she said she was meeting her brother, that man is too young to be her brother. So if she had a date why didn't she tell me, I mean I would have had understood. "James I need to go now, I told Marlene I'd come back to the castle early to start the project." James nodded kissing Lily's cheek and walking her to the door, checking the time he realised he had an hour and a half to kill before the boys came back. He might as well get everything she wanted him to get, he walked to her booth just as she laughed, "And Fenrir nearly fall off his bed! The kitten on his bed just kept mewing and he was-" She burst out laughing as the man did before looking up at James. "Hello Potter." She smiled at him, "Riddle, I thought you said you were meeting up with your brother." He said crossly, making Helena look at him with furrowed brows. "Yes I did tell you that." James was furious, "Just give me the list Riddle, why did I even believe you in the first place." He pulled the parchment she had in her hand as he walked away and didn't look back, if he had, he would have noticed red eyes staring back at him angrily.

James paid for the parchment, coloured ink and glitter bugs that was on the list before making his way back to the castle, he was in too much of a mood to talk to anyone and just quietly walked to his dorm. 10 minutes later, Sirius ran in,followed by Remus and Peter, "James did you hear!" Sirius exclaimed as he tried to catch his breath, James looked up at his best friends flushed faces, "The Dark Lord was spotted in Hogsmeade!" James sat up in shock as he looked at his best friends, "Wait what!" Remus nodded, "Dumbledore has called Helena to the office to speak to her this instant, apparently her eyes are puffy and her face is red, like she's been crying for hours." James turned as white as a sheet, "Apparently he came to visit Helena under a guise, but something upset his sister and he lost it, he burnt an abandoned house at the edge of Hogsmeade to the ground." James fell back on his bed, "It's my fault." He whispered, making his friends look at him in shock. "I didn't realise.... I didn't know that he was her brother, I didn't even think how much pressure it must be for her to not see her brothers face because of who he is. I thought she was lying, I thought she was on a date and was being hypocritical because she got mad at me going on a date...I shouted at the Dark Lord's sister right in front if him." he moaned out.

That evening nobody saw Helena come out for supper, Fenrir gathered the supplies from James and didn't answer any of his questions, just told him that Helena would do the work on her own and he just had to speak from the call cards she would conjure up for him. James felt horrible as he saw the empty space at supper, the rest of the boys watched him in fear of his life, James had the gall to scream at the most dangerous woman in the whole wizarding world, right in front of the man that made her dangerous. That night while James was on his rounds, he noticed a figure shrouded in darkness, as he rushed forward to reprimand them, the figure melted into the shadows, making James freeze on the spot, he felt a cold air hit his neck but he still could not move, even when an ebony wand was against his throat. "Ah I see I got a foolish Gryffindor at my power." The cool voice slithered out, making James shiver in his shows, "You made a grave mistake boy." It hissed, "Helena is a wonderful girl Potter, much better than most girls in this disgusting school." James made out the voice, even though it sounded a bit cold, it still had the same amount of calm in the words. "Helena?" he said quietly, his body was turned to see the girl he was partners with, but her eyes were pitch black, the veins running out of the corner of her eyes, "No, no my dear James Potter. My name is Marius, and I am the demon that lives within Helena."

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