Chapter 5

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Helena/Marius clipped on her black underlined invisibility cloak and pulled the hood over her head, she wiped away the stray tears that fell from her eyes as James's words echoed in her head, "He really wants to be killed doesn't he?" Marius said in her head, Helena sighed, "I knew getting into this 'relationship' would Fenrir would push him away, I didn't think how much I may of made a mess of things, he would have made the perfect ally for our cause." She said back as she walked through the corridors to the ROR, Marius snickered, "Are you sure that's all you want him for?" Helena was confused. but didn't press for answers as she entered the cupboard, opening the door once more, she found herself in the forgotten Slytherin manor, she pulled off the cloak and almost ran to the drawing room, before she could open the door, it was pulled open by a tall and handsome young man, he had strong cheekbones and pale alabaster skin, his ruby red eyes were a prominent feature on his face and it was usually famous for the cold look it held, but this time it had kindness and adoration as the man swept Helena up in his arms and hugged her tightly, "Tom." she said softly as she hugged him.

"You are upset sister." Tom said in his smooth voice, Helena picked her head up from the book she was reading, "Is it really that visible?" Tom shook his head and cupped her cheek, "To one who doesn't know you as well as I, then no it isn't visible. What's the matter my little snake?" Helena closed the book, her eyes swelling up with tears as she burst out crying, Tom's eyes widened in alarm, he ran to his sister, scooping her up in his arms as he hummed softly, her breathing finally became rationalised as Marius took over, black sludge slowly oozing out as she fervently wiped her eyes. "Marius, what's the matter?" Tom asked worriedly, Marius sighed, and rubbed her temples, "The Potter boy, apologised for his stupidity the night before." Tom nodded, remembering the harsh words the male had imparted on her at the Three Broomsticks. "I was in charge of course, until Helena started explaining our story, when we finished, he didn't say much so we just walked away. What we didn't realise was that we had company, the Evans girl was watching us." Tom's lip curled in disgust, "Fenrir of course was there as well, as my bodyguard he is never far from me, he heard exactly what the muggle born has said, pensieved the memory and showed it to us. James....he needed to be kept safe so I...we...we had Fenrir kiss us, made everyone believe that we were dating, I don't think Helena realizes his feelings for her, he was upset and called her a death eater..." Tom's eyes glowed ruby red as he shot up and started packing, muttering about the insolence and disrespect the boy had for her until he stopped and froze, he darted from the room, leaving Marius confused as to what was going on.

Tom walked back in,holding a piece of parchment in his hand and reading over it, Helena had taken control by then and looked at her brother confused, "Tom, whats the matter?" He looked at her with a frown before sitting down and placing the parchment between them, it was a curse, and beneath it a prophecy.

Those who touch me
Will stay in a form of innocence
As such a time comes
When their true soul mate is born

That was the curse Helena had been under till 16 years ago, "That's what we had been dealing with but the one beneath it is what interests me."

A pure white doe
Meets her stag under the moonlight
Their love, at first confused and broken
But after a time, of fighting and tears
And argument and peril
They will come together
In solidarity
To fight the evil that is hidden beneath the light

Tom watched as Helena's mind started what she had read, she looked through the words over and over again till her eyes pitched over to black. "I'm guessing that entire prophecy is about them isn't it." Tom looked at her with a raised brown, "James is a stag, and funnily enough they met during a full moon."

James had been sitting near the lake when a small white flash caught his eye, he turned in time to see Helena, stepping out of the trees and walking to the other side of the lake, he turned into his stag form and sat at the edge of the forest, listening to her speak to the merpeople whom lived beneath the depths. They're chattering making it look like they were requesting her for something, Helena finally nodded her head before crossing her legs and taking a seat.

She told me that she loved me by the water fountain
She told me that she loved me and she didn't love him
And that was really lovely 'cause it was innocent
But now she's got a cup with something else in it
It's getting kind of blurry at a quarter-past-ten
And he was in a hurry to be touching her skin
She's feeling kind of dirty when she's dancing with him
Forgetting what she told me by the water fountain

Now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in
Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
And she knows that she shouldn't listen
And that she should be with me by the water fountain

She couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made her feel alone, but at that time she was too young
I was too young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that she told me that she was in love too young
I was too young

Too young, too young
Too young, young

And if she ever goes back to the water fountain
The handle will be broken and the rust set in
But my hand, it will be open and I'll try to fix it
My heart, it will be open and I'll try to give it

Now I'm grabbing her hips, and pulling her in
Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
And I know that it's only a wish
And that we're not standing by the water fountain

Too young, too young
Too young, young

She couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made her feel alone but at that time she was too young
I was too young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that she told me that she was in love too young
I was too young

Too young, too young
Too young, young

I should've built a home with a fountain for us
(Too young) the moment that she told me that she was in love
(Too young) too young
(Young) I was too young

She told me that she loved me by the water fountain
She told me that she loved me and she didn't love him
And that was really lovely 'cause it was innocent
But now she's got a cup with something else in it
It's getting kind of blurry at a quarter-past-ten
And he was in a hurry to be touching her skin
She's feeling kind of dirty when she's dancing with him
Forgetting what she told me by the water fountain
Now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in
Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
And she knows that she shouldn't listen
And that she should be with me by the water fountain
She couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made her feel alone, but at that time she was too young
I was too young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that she told me that she was in love too young
I was too young
Too young, too young
Too young, young
And if she ever goes back to the water fountain
The handle will be broken and the rust set in
But my hand, it will be open and I'll try to fix it
My heart, it will be open and I'll try to give it
Now I'm grabbing her hips, and pulling her in
Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
And I know that it's only a wish
And that we're not standing by the water fountain
Too young, too young
Too young, young
She couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made her feel alone but at that time she was too young
I was too young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that she told me that she was in love too young
I was too young
Too young, too young
Too young, young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
(Too young) the moment that she told me that she was in love
(Too young) too young
(Young) I was too young

And before James's eyes in Helena's place stood a pure white doe which ran into the forest, making him turn human in a shock as he collapsed to the floor.

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