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2 - Friends

Pan sniffed as she looked up at the starry sky. One of the things she loved the most about living in the East District was the fact that they lived so far out in the country that the city lights didn't block out the stars. The night sky was so beautiful, and when they were younger, she and Goten used to sleep outside regularly, especially during the summer and fall. They would gather old blankets and lay them on top of their trampoline for a bed.

Having felt reminiscent earlier, Pan had dressed up warmly in several layers of clothes, grabbed a handful of blankets and took off to the trampoline. She was covered up with more of the blankets than she was laying on. Even though it was close to Christmas, the air wasn't too bad. There was just a hint of a chill to it. It wouldn't get freezing until late January and early February.

"You better not be jumping on that old thing," a voice huffed from a few yards away.

Pan turned her head and from the soft glow of the single street light on the side of the house, she could make out Goten's figure. He was walking towards the trampoline, and she felt her stomach give a flutter. It had only been hours ago that he had scolded her at the mall.

"Of course not," Pan looked back up at the sky. "I'm not stupid, despite what you think."

"I don't think you're stupid," he huffed again, causing Pan's eye to twitch.

"Then stop huffing at me!" She couldn't stand to be huffed at.

"Sorry," Goten mumbled as he slipped onto the trampoline and laid down beside her. "We haven't done this in a while."

"Yeah," Pan nodded. It felt like old times. "Honestly, I'm surprised this trampoline is still standing. You and Trunks used to break them all the time because you liked to wrestle."

Goten snickered, "This one is made out of some type  of durable elastic -" he patted it gently. "All thanks to Bulma. She got tired of us breaking them."

It was silent for several minutes as the stars twinkled above them.

Goten finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry for earlier. I'm not mad at you, and I didn't mean to be so harsh. I overheard what he said to you, and I couldn't help it. I just got so angry."

"I'm not really surprised by what he said," Pan let out a heavy sigh. Now that she had thought about it, Shun's reaction wasn't surprising at all. That was just the type of human he was. Even in school, he would never own up to his mistakes. His parents paid off the school anytime he got into any trouble. Shun didn't know what the word responsibility was. "I wish I had never told him," she muttered. "But he's still the baby's father, so he deserves to know."

Goten grumbled, "good riddance, I say. Here -" he pulled something out of his jacket and handed it to Pan.

She took it and it took her a few seconds to realize that it was a teddy bear. It's fur was soft and smooth and she held it against her chest.

"It's for the baby," Goten mumbled. "I thought I'd get a head start on being the cool uncle and get him his first teddy bear."

Pan smiled. "Thanks, Ten, but who says it'll be a boy?"

"Just a guess," Goten snickered. "Even if it's a niece, I'll still be the cool uncle. That brings me to my next question - how are you going to tell Gohan?"

"He already knows," Pan sighed.

"What?!" Goten sat up. Even though it was dark, Pan was sure that Goten was glaring at her. "Are you telling me that I'm the last in our family to know?! Panny!"

"I didn't plan on telling Gohan until I told you," she mumbled. "He overheard Mama and me talking about the baby. Papa had to stop him from storming off and finding Shun."

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