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5- Responsibility

Trunks muttered to himself as he read through the list of equipment scheduled to be sent off to Capsule Corps East Branch. Already he had read through the lists for the North Branch, South Branch, and several other cities. He sighed as he pushed up his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He had been sitting in front of his computer reading emails and transcripts all day. He was beginning to see double.

The door to Trunks' office opened, and he pushed his glasses back down as he looked up. He wasn't surprised to see Marron. Only she or his mother was brave enough to enter his office without permission. Marron's face was scrunched up in a snarl, and her dark blue eyes were set in a glare. Trunks felt his back tensing as she stomped over to his desk.

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it," he said as he held up his hands. "I've been in my office all day."

Marron's stared at him, and with a heavy sigh, her face and body relaxed. Her shoulders sagged as she crossed her arms. "Sorry, Trunks. I didn't mean to come storming in here like that."

He blinked at her in confusion. "Are you okay?"

Marron blew out a puff of air, "actually, I'm more worried about how you're going to feel."

Trunks furrowed his brows, "what are you talking about?"

She reached up and massaged the bridge of her nose. "Puiin Company has contacted us again for the third time in two months," she muttered. "They want us to collaborate with her," she hissed. "They said it would be good for our image."

Trunks' eyes widened for a moment before he let out a bark of laughter. "Wow, they're brazen little shits, aren't they? Good for our image? More like good for theirs."

Marron nodded in agreement. "You know the only reason they want a photoshoot with us is because she was caught with a DWI three months ago. They're trying to build up her tarnished image. She's gotten the rep to be tough to work with."

"That's no surprise," Trunks commented dryly. "It's not our job to help her bad image. Plus, she would never willingly work with Capsule Corp, nor is she legally allowed to. Her agency must not know that."

"They must not if they're still contacting us. I'll send them an email and let them know," Marron said with a hint of a devilish smile.

"Mar," Trunks chuckled at her. "I don't care how badly you speak of her, but keep it professional, yeah?"

"You do know who you're talking to, don't you?" Marron raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to make that two-faced bitch wish she told her agency about her contract," she threw her head back and laughed as she walked out the door.

Trunks felt a shudder run down his body as Marron laughed. Despite looking sweet, the woman was evil when it came to the people she cared about. Truthfully, Trunks was honored he was one of the people she got upset over and that she had his back.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat with a frown. He couldn't believe her agency would contact Capsule Corp. A thought drifted in the back of his mind that she was there to ruin his happiness, but as quickly as it came, it left. No. That woman was selfish and cruel, which was why there was no way she was a threat to his happiness.

Trunks looked down at the picture of Hana on his desk. She smiled brightly at him, her lavender hair in pigtails and her silver eyes shining. She was his happiness, and he couldn't help but smile. At least one good thing came out of meeting that horrible woman four years ago.


Pan watched with wide eyes as Goku fixed up two bowls of ramen. The broth was steaming and juicy. Fried eggs, grilled pork, and garlic decorated the top. Pan could feel her mouth watering as Goku picked up the bowls and carried them to the table for the two of them.

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