Not again!

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Every morning for 3 years, was a pain. We would get yelled at, the bread was stale, and the soup was tasteless. And the only time I had to myself was the hour at night. I would read my book. I have a new one every year. Life in training was difficult, but Eren was always there to motivate me. He always made my day better.

Lately, my head has been thinking about Eren lately. I dont know why. But when I see him, with his nice blown hair... I feel my heart race.

And it wont stop. And Mikasa... Whenever I see Mikasa clingy, holding his hand, or being alone with Eren... My chest and head hurt for a bit.

I can't see why...

I turned 14 already. Now Eren was 16. Time flew by, now that I think about it.

I got out of bed, and started getting ready for the last day. The last day of training. Where we would choose what we want to do with our lives. I wasn't chosen for one of the top 10, but I don't care. The top 10 can choose to join the Military Police.

The Military Police are cowards. Hiding in the walls...

I got in my cadet clothes, and added the belts to my body. Belts... I remember the time Eren had difficulty with a buckle to practice for the 3D gear. It wasn't his fault.

I love using the gear. It's like as if I'm flying. I walk out the door, while everyone else left.

While living with Lilt, I found out that she has sort of... an obsession with one of the higher ups. Levi Riaville. Captain.

Everytime she talks about him, she fangirls about him. Sometimes I have to beg her to stop. I don't want to snap.

I wonder what the Captain is like...

I make it to the court, and a big announcement is made. Long story short: The speech was about which group to join. Once again, announcing the top 10. I wasn't surprised that Eren made ot to the top 10. I probably wasn't able to make it to the top 10, due to the fact that I was a child, and still developing.

After the giant time taking speech, they assigned the last assignment. Then later tonight, we would chose. I ran to Eren before he left to guard the top of the wall.

"Eren! We made it! Today is the day!"

"Yeah... It is today. I'll see you after this assignment, and when the ceremony starts." Eren rubbed my head, like as if I was a dog. I was almost as tall as Eren... And I am only 2 years younger... Eren gave me a small slight smile.

There's the feeling again... Don't tell me...

"Well, I'll go meet up with my squad. I'll see you later!" I ran off, excited for tonight. But I hid myself away, just for a moment.

This feeling in my heart... It started about 4 months ago... Is it possible that I like Eren? He's like my brother! But... I think I really do like him... It only makes sense to these feelings...

I smiled to myself, but frowned.

Damn these teenage hormones...

I walked to my squad, with Usagi and Lily. Lily was on one her fangirling moments.

“Levi Heichou is sooo hot! I wonder If I join the Survey Corps, that Levi Heichou would choose me!” She squealed. I rolled my eyes. Lily sure does obsess about the commander. But why? I don’t think she actually even truly knows what hes like… I wonder what the Heichou is like…

“Have you ever really ever seen the Commander?”

“Only a glimpse. But he’s humanities’ strongest soldier.”

“Ok then. What’s his favorite hobby? Since you know him so well.”

“I don’t know. But does it all really matter? He’s perfect!” No such thing as a perfect person. She kept fangirling and talking non stop about him, that I was about to snap. She’s 16! Get a grip!

“Lily. You really need to sto-” There was a loud crackle and boom, the next thing I knew. This sound. The ground shaking… Oh no… I look behind me, and there is a giant face. The titan… from 5 years ago! What is it doing here?! I then remember that Eren was duty on top of the wall. “EREN!!” I start running to the wall, but I remember my duty. I need to stay here with the people, and protect them. The titan swipes the top, and everything goes flying. Those cannons can kill anyone, if they are in range.

Now I truly start to worry. “Eren! I have to go see him!”

“No! You have to stay here! I’m sure Eren is fine, but we have our duty to these people!”

I grit my teeth, and instruct the people to get to the other side of town. I already know what will happen. Unless we do something. Then I feel the push of air, and see things flying in the sky. Boulders. Screaming. Hell.

I notice a boulder about to kit a scared child, with another child by his side. I run to the kids, hoping to save them both. I grip onto one, and as I try to grab the other, I lose my balance, and held the child in my arms as I rolled down the floor. The other child was crushed with a boulder. The child began to cry, calling for his friend. A sibling maybe. My heart starts to panic. This is all going to start all over again… I yell at the kid to run. I scream at all the townspeople to leave at once. They start running away.

I started to run to the wall, to see if Eren was alright. But I heard ground shaking thuds. Those thuds speared fear into my mind and soul. And there it was again. I just on a building with the 3D Gear. I see a hole through the wall, and blood spilled on the floor. My eyes widen, and I almost start shaking.

They immediately put up some items to stop the titans from entering. Bells were rung, and it was the signal for all cadets to get to the training court.


We were all lined up, waiting for orders. We were instructed to kill Titans, and to stop them from touching civilians. As soon as these orders were given, every started to panic. I ran around, looking for Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. I find Armin, and hug him, due to my happiness in finding him. He tells me where Eren and Mikasa are.

As I’m running to find Eren, I see Lily. She’s in a corner, and shes crying to herself. She mumbles to herself, and she weeps. I try to comfort her, but she looks at me with traumatized eyes. I have to go find Eren… I run off to see Eren talking to Jean. Jean is mad, and walks off. “Eren!”

“Taka!” I hug Eren tightly.

“Thank God! I thought something happened to you! I saw the Colossal Titan wiping everything off the wall. Thank god…” Eren pets my hair a bit, and I let go.

“We need to fight off the titans now. Taka, you gotta fight back.”

“I will. And in return, you and Mikasa have to promise me that you’ll make it back.” They both nod. I nod back, and start to run to find Armin, so I can get some gas. I see Jean complaining to himself.

“Damn Jeager. If he want to die out there, let him! Today I was going to join the Military Police!”

“Jean!” He turns his head to me. “You know Eren is right. We have to survive today, and save as many people as possible. Survive Jean. And then you can join the Military Idiots. Just survive today Jean!” I run off to find Armin, and get ready for battle. War.

I'll stay by your side, Levi HeichouWhere stories live. Discover now