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"So, spring break's in a few weeks

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"So, spring break's in a few weeks. Plans?" Jordan stretched his legs out, propping them up on the seat in front of him as they waited for a stupid assembly about fire safety to start.

"My plans are to fuck China now that she's been released from prison. I think she has been anyway," Cameron said bluntly, chewing on his pen. "She's been pulling back since cotillion. Playing hard to get again-"

"Can't we just go to Calabasas like all the other rich spoiled teenagers?" Jordan rolled his eyes. "And I don't think China will be going anywhere after the stunt you guys pulled that night. I'm surprised she isn't being homeschooled right now. She may not be grounded anymore but Mrs. Thorpe definitely tightened the reins. Besides, I thought you were through with that."

Cameron pulled out his phone from the inside of his blazer. "I was over it when I realized she wanted me too. Now she's switching up and I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to bring her back to Papa." He began typing mindlessly. "If I'm honest, the rumor about you and Sarah this past weekend was way worse than anything that went down at Cotillion."

"Well, my light shenanigans didn't result in Sarah's mother loathing me. Rana absolutely still hates you."

"I know, right?" Cameron grinned. "It makes it that much sexier. The cliché my mom hates my badass boyfriend but I'm going to see him anyway. I live for it."

"Boyfriend?" Jordan smiled.

Cameron frowned and rolled his eyes, clamming up at the word boyfriend. It just slipped. "You know what I meant."

"Mm-hm. You wanna wife it. I heard you, "

"Shut up, " Cameron scoffed. 

Jordan was going to continue teasing him but the echoing of multiple ringtones going off in the auditorium cut him off. It was obvious what had just happened.

All this time we thought it was Cammy Cam we had to look out for, but at least he owns up to his bull. Top Model just acts so innocent.

From the Mosque to the Motel 6: someone caught Jordan and Sarah coming out of a hotel very late last night. Unlike the last couple of posts, this one comes equipped with photos (below). I hear you guys only checked out of one room. And on a school night? Oh, Virgin Mary weeps.  -Saje

"Jo... please tell me you didn't smash Sarah." Cameron mumbled under his breath as everyone turned to look at them. "Please tell me this is some very handy photoshop work,"

And as if it were perfectly timed, China and Sarah stepped into the auditorium where everyone stopped to stare at them.

"W-what's happened?" Sarah whispered to China. She was used to people staring at her for her hair being too big or her socks being too high. She could tell this time was different. She had that weird feeling you get when you think people were talking about you just before you arrive. But it wasn't just a hunch, it was real.

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