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"Yes, Mama." China frowned and closed her textbook. She was trying to study for her finals but everyone seemed to want to bother her.

Rana stood in the doorway with her arms crossed and her mouth tight. "I am only going to ask you this once so you better tell the truth." She huffed. "Are you pregnant?"

"God, mom, no." China scoffed then sat up in the middle of her bed. "Why?"

"You're gaining weight like crazy. You didn't think I'd notice? I know the season's over but goodness your hips are spreading as wide as the Pacific."

"Because I've actually started eating food. Sorry."

"You and this smart mouth-"

"Why are you trying to starve me to death anyway?" China stood up. "Huh? You know how hard it is to watch everyone around you eat steak and potatoes while you eat organic leaf protein and baby mushrooms?"

"I am just trying to keep you fit!"

"But what if I don't care about being fit? Having hips is a crime in what country? Not to mention, I'm black. Me having an ass is inevitable."

"Oh, damn it China! You just don't get it? Do you?"

"Get what?"

"That that's the issue. You are black and I've been trying to make sure you blend in as much as possible while protecting you from them."

"Why would you do that? Protect me from who?!"

"Do you know what they say about people like us? Behind closed doors?"

China silently shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Oh baby girl, I wouldn't even know where to begin." Rana sighed. "I am trying to upkeep you so that you don't feel like more of an outcast than you already are. Do you think Jordan's unpopular because he's shy?"

"Yeah. I mean he's very quiet-"

"No! It's because he's Iranian and Black, he's Muslim, and he was born on the floor of an abandoned house. People congratulate the Abrams' to their faces for 'beating the odds' and 'making it big on their own'. Then they slander them like hell in the comfort of their homes. I bet they got their money from Isis. They probably got rich so fast from selling illegal weapons to gangs. I bet Patricia was forced to marry that man. Or maybe she wanted that Arab money,"

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