Dave brings me to my room and opens the door. I look inside, there's only a bed there.

"Huh, I wonder where the other things are," Dave looks up at me. I shrug and sit down on the bed, looking at the weights on my feet.

"What are those weights for?"

"I have no clue, they just appeared when I changed forms."

"Check your pockets, there might be something to unlock the chains with," Dave sits on the bed next to me and looks at my jeans. I nod and stick my hands into my pockets, pulling out a key. I look at the weights and then at Dave.

"Hurry! Open them!"

I smile and unlock one of the weights, and I started levitating a bit, but the other foot was still on the ground. I unlock the other weight and I started levitating higher and higher into the air. I look down at Dave, who was clearly amazed.

"Flying! Cool! That's unusual around here!"

I start panicking and I try to bring myself down, but I was stuck to the ceiling. Dave's eyes widen when they realize I could not get down, and they run out of the room screaming for help. I look down at the weights and groan loudly.

"Why did I know this was gonna happen?"

I look at a ceiling light and try to fly towards it. I don't budge at all. Dave runs back into the room, Tawder walking slowly behind them. He looks up at me and sighs.

"I'll toss the weights up to you so that you can be weighed down to the ground. Dave, when Erie hits the ground, help me with putting the weights back on."

Dave nods and they get back onto my bed. Tawder grabs a weight and he tosses it up to me. I barely catch it and I immediately start to sink. Tawder catches me and Dave puts one of the weights on my foot. Tawder grabs the other weight and puts it on my other foot. He looks at me sternly.

"You are to never unlock these chains unless I tell you to. I can't risk of you getting harmed."

I nod and look down. Dave looks at Tawder and then at the ground.

"It was my fault, I told her to unlock the chains since I was curious. Plus, you said that you had no clue about her power."

Tawder looks at Dave and sighs, patting their head lightly. I hope I did not get them in trouble, I would feel so terrible.

"Tomorrow, at 3 in the morning, we will be going out for killing. You will be put in a group with my other commander, Reese, and Jilly. You are to follow Reese's orders and do whatever he tells you to do. If it's to fly him, fly him. Suck his dick, suck his dick. Got it?"

I was too startled to respond since Dave was right there, casually listening to Tawder saying vulgar things.

"Well? I'm waiting for an answer," he put his thumb under my chin.

"Got it, but what am I supposed to kill with?"

"Whatever other power you have. I'm sure there is something else up your sleeve. You'll just have to figure it out on your own, and that also means without Dave around."

"Aw man!"

"I'm serious, her power could pose a threat to you. Remember, anything can hurt a sword/healing holder," Tawder glares at Dave.

"Fine. Can I at least know her power when she finds out? And also, her flying around didn't hurt me."

"No, I will be the first person to know. Then only Reese and Jilly can know. Once we all go out for a group kill night, you'll find out her power. Otherwise, let her figure out on her own."

Dave nods and they stand up and walk out of the room. Tawder looks at me with a blank expression.

"Your power is rare, my dear. You have the ability of any power, just so longs you've learned it from someone else here. You are not to analyze mine or Reese's power, for it is too dangerous to learn ours. Only in extreme situations, like one of us getting killed or missing, may you learn our power."

"So anyone I've met I can analyze their power?"

"Yes, except humans. They don't have any power at all. A power I recommend you going after is Jilly's. She can mind control. Her and Reese work really well together since their powers blend easily, but they need a person like you in their group. They've been a duo for as long as I can remember."

I stay quiet and look at my bedding. I notice there is 7 new messages from Olive. Tawder looks at my phone.

Olive: I can't take this anymore. I need to join the group.

"So he gave in. That changes up my plans a bit. We'll visit him at 2 in the morning. You'll be in a group with him and Hive. Hive will order the two of you around. Also, I'm sure you'll like his power. Now, get some rest. There's only 3 hours before we will go pick him up."
A/N: sorry this chapter was so short. There wasn't much I wanted to write for this book today since I didn't want to get into the killing night yet, and in the dream, after Tawder said the final line in this part, it went right to getting Olive and the killings. I'm pretty sure that would be taking things a bit too fast, and I would lose my two readers for this book :3. Until next time!
(Last edited: April 13, 2020)

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