The entrance collapses and the policemen walk towards us, their guns pointed at our heads.

"Move and you will get shot. Hands in the air!"

"But you just said not for us to move," Hae raises an eyebrow.

"Enough with the attitude, you are all coming to our government facility where your friend is."

My eyes widen and I look at Tawder who was smirking. Suddenly, the policemen pass out and he looks at Hae.

"Burn them all."

Hae nods and she casts a huge fire underneath the policemen. Tawder grins and he looks at Olive and I, and we were still bunched up together.

"Scaredy-cats, do you really think I would let them take us?" He laughs.

Olive and I look down. Tawder walks outside and he examines the area. It was fairly quiet, until we heard footsteps. Jacob and his group were back from their area.

"Sorry it took so long, policemen were everywhere. We fought off a few of them and had to run," he says, holding his bat behind his back.

"And they didn't follow you?"

"Well, we don't know," a smaller girl in the group looks up at Tawder. She had green hair and hazel eyes. She wore a black laced dress and combat boots. That's a weird style coming from this group.

"Come on, you three. Now Hae has to use up even more of her power for some lousy policemen!" Tawder growls.

"Well we are here to fight them off with you now, right Tawna?" Jacob looks at the smaller girls, and she nods.

"You better kick their asses then."

"Why, are you not going to help?" Jacob glares at Tawder.

"Oh, Olive and Dex will help you, but Hae and I are going to be on the sidelines," Tawder smirks.

We hear barking and Jacob groans loudly, turning into an alligator. Dave and Tawna get their weapons out and Olive and I look at each other.

"Alright, Dave and Tawna, you attack from the right. Olive and Dex, you two will be with me. Dex, learn Olive's power and turn into a dragon. Got it?" Jacob whispers, looking at all of us. We nod and I start to analyze Olive's power. I saw an option for lust, and I giggle a little. I learn dragon form and I open my eyes.

Olive looks at me, "What's so funny?"

"One of your powers," I giggle, turning into a dragon. I was a purple dragon with red horns. I roar loudly and Olive grins at me, getting out some katanas. The policemen and their dogs come out from the forest, shooting their guns.

Tawna summons a shield around us and she charges at the policemen. Olive goes after the other policemen and he yells a war cry, slicing one in half. Jacob attacks a group of policemen and bites all of them in the legs, Dave swinging their sword at them.

I roar loudly again and burn the remaining policemen, killing them. Olive pants a little and looks up at me, giving a thumbs up. Jacob turns back to normal and he holds his side, panting. I turn back to normal and cough a little. Tawder runs to Jacob's side and removes his hand from his side.

"They got you, and now they know what your power is," Tawder says, looking at Jacob.

Jacob looks up at Tawder, "Don't waste your healing on me, I'll go wrap myself up."

Dave and Tawna help Jacob stand up and walk inside the cave. I continue to cough harshly and Olive rubs my back. Tawder looks at me and kneels by my side.

To Save a Loved One (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now