I went straight to my room when we reached the cave. I could not look at Tawder. The only person I wanted to talk to was Olive. I knew he was the only person that would understand since he knew my uncle.

I cry into Olive's chest, him stroking my hair as he stays quiet. All I wanted to do was cry. It would take me quiet a while to forget his death.

Fast forward to the next day, Tawder came into my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"What could you possibly want?" Olive glares at Tawder.

"Hey, it ain't my fault they saw us committing another murder."

"You're not helping."

"Well what am I supposed to do? Cuddle with your girlfriend and tell her everything will be alright?"

"You can fuck off."

"Excuse me?" Tawder smirks.

"She wants to be left alone, so leave her alone."

"You don't tell me what to do. Got it?" Tawder growls as he cracks Olive's soul. He screams in pain and holds me tighter. I, on the other hand, was fake sleeping. I had gotten no rest from the previous night, and I doubt I will soon.

"Now, tell me, are you done?"

Olive nods and he was shaking a bit. He was good at hiding fear, but not pain.

"I need you and Dex to come with me for a discussion. It's important and mandatory."

Olive nods and he shakes me a little. I start to "wake up" and I groan a bit. I look up at Olive and he smiles at me.

"Come on, we don't have all day," Tawder says as he leaves the room.

"We have to go with him for a discussion. Let's go."

I nod and I get up off of him. He stands up and we walk out of the room.

"What do you think he wants to talk to us about?" I ask, looking at Olive.

"No clue."

I look back up at him, his face held a blank expression. Maybe he was worried about me. All we have now is each other.

We reach Tawder's room and Olive knocks on the door. The door opens, and Tawder looks at both of us.

"What, did the two of you have a quickie before you came? What room you so long?"

Olive blushes, "No, Dex took a bit to wake up, normally how she is."

"Just come in, and what's discussed in here stays in here. No one else in the group needs to know about any of this."

Olive and I nod and the both of us walk in. I look around, it was a fairly big room. He had a nice bed and decorations. His room seemed a lot more peaceful than his personality.

"Olive, I would like you to meet someone," Tawder says, looking at Olive.

"Alright, step out of the way."

Tawder nods and he walks off. Hae was in a chair, messing with her fingernails. I look up at Olive, his eyes were wide. They lit up with color and emotion. For the first time in a while, I saw happiness in his eyes.


Hae looks up at Olive and her expression, on the other hand, was not so surprised.

"Oh hell, Tawder, you accept my older brother into this group knowing I don't like him?"

Tawder grins nervously, knowing he is about to get his ass beat. He looks back and forth at Hae and Olive, hoping one of them would stop the other.

"I've told you about him Tawder for crying out loud! Why do you think I wanted to kill him!?"

Olive's eyes widen, and he looks down.

"You wanted to kill me? But why?"

"Wasn't my choice, Oli, Tawder's orders. He said specifically to kill you, and I didn't fight that order like I would with the others."

Olive clenches his fists a little and he looks towards a wall.

"Tawder doesn't like your relationship, and neither do I. Tawder wants Dex for all of himself and to leave you mis-."


Olive's eyes glow green and he clenches his fists more. I look back over at Hae, who was choking.

"Woah, Olive calm down!" Tawder began to walk towards Olive.


Tears stream down from Olive's face. I did not know what to do. I think for a second then grab Olive's hand. Hae stops choking and she gasps for air. Olive looks down at me and he starts to cry more. I hug him tightly as Hae coughs harshly. Tawder goes to Hae's side and rubs her back.

"Well, this didn't go as planned."

"No shit Sherlock," I glare at Tawder, and he looks back at me.

Olive also looks at Tawder with hate in his eyes. Olive barely got like this, not even during emotional break downs. Maybe this was the true side of him. I guess he is an example to all happy people can have a dark side, and an even darker side.

"I cared for you, Hae. I took care of you, and you treat me like this?" Olive rubs his eyes a little.

Hae looks up at Olive, tears were also on her face.

"When you were supposedly kidnapped, I lost my train of thought. That's why Dex came every day to me. She cared for you too, but now, you're unrecognizable," Olive says, his voice cracking.

"This group really has changed me, I guess," Hae laughs a little, sadness in her voice.

"I just want the original you back."

Hae laughs more and she looks at Tawder. She smirks and starts to stand up.

"Hae, get back on the ground. I swear I will not hesitate to kill you," Tawder says, pulling out a pistol.

"Hae! Listen to him!"

"I'll be happier in hell," Hae stands up and tackle Tawder, throwing punches at him. Olive and I run to try and pull her off of Tawder, but she does not budge. Knives begin to spawn from her fingers, and they stab Tawder in the shoulders. He screams in pain, kicking Hae off of him.

Tawder aims at Hae's head and he pants heavily. He growls and looks at Olive and I, his eyes glowing a dark red.

"Say goodbye to your sister, OLIVE!"

He pulls the trigger.
A/N: HEYYYYYYYY EVERYONE! Your local wannabe angst writer is in the house! Sorry for no update on Wednesday, things were crazy. Also today I was getting caught up on homework and I didn't get to this chapter until tonight. So yeah, I wish I was better with angst, but this is the best I can do without stopping and crying. Cya in the next part!
(Edited April 24, 2020)

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