It was the next day. Nothing else happened yesterday besides the fact that Olive tried to seduce me again with his power.

Good news, I have my power(s) back. Bad news, Jacob does not, and he is in a bad condition. Dave had inspected him more, and it turns out that he was shot with a different type of bullet than I was.

The bullet not only deactivated his power, it broke down his immune system and made him terribly sick. No one knows if he will make it, but Dave has been hard at work trying to keep him alive.

I go into Jacob's room and see Dave holding Jacob's hand, tears in their eyes. Jacob had no more scales on him, and his very tan skin was visible. There were spider veins from each place he was shot at, and they were making their way to his heart and other organs. Jacob looked miserable, and so did Dave.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" I ask, approaching the two. Dave looks up at me and gives me a sad smile.

"He's not going to make it. Almost his entire body has shut down. He can only hear and move his arms," Dave sniffles a bit as I go to Jacob's other hand. I look at Jacob's pretty much lifeless body and frown. I hold his hand and look at his face.

"Hey, I know I haven't known you for that long, but I can tell you are a fighter. You may have lost your battle, but now you will be able to live a better life, and hell, you might reincarnate into an actual reptile, your dream."

Dave giggles a bit and wipes their face, "Dex is right, you will have an amazing afterlife. I know it."

I look at Jacob's face, he had a smile formed with his lips. I start to tear up a bit and I rub my face a bit. Jacob's chest stopped rising, and his arms went cold and limp. He was dead, after 2 days of fighting for his life. Why did his life have to be cut short like this? How could Tawder put him in danger like this?

I look back at Dave, who's head was on Jacob's chest, crying. I walk over to Dave and wrap my arms around them, brushing their hair lightly. Dave had told me more about Jacob during our casual conversations. He was in this group before they were born, and they had a natural bond. Jacob taught Dave things, and Dave taught Jacob things. Dave never wanted their friendship to end with Jacob, but that statement is not protected anymore. Dave's lifelong best friend was dead, after 48 hours of trying to keep him alive.

"Hey, it's ok," I whisper into Dave's ear.

They look at me, their eyes red and puffy from crying, "Why isn't Tawder in here with us? I thought he cared for Jacob!"

I bite my bottom lip and look off. It sucks that Tawder is not here, but does he do this every time someone dies?

I hear footsteps coming into the room, and I look over. It is Tawder, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Am I too late?" He asks, looking down.

"A-A bit," Dave says, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, the forest's flowers were picked, and I had to go in disguise and into a flower store," Tawder says, walking to Jacob's other side. He placed the bouquet on Jacob's chest, and then put his hands over it. Tawder then steps back and closes his eyes.

Dave and I look at Tawder, both of us confused. He opens his eyes and looks at the two of us.

"I vow revenge for his death. The person that shot those bullets is still alive and is in the facility. When we attack, I will go after him and make him pay," Tawder growls, his eyes flashing red.

"If you go by yourself, you will get killed!" I say, standing up.

"No I won't. I have my ways of doing things."

"How are you so sure?"

"I'm sure. Now end of conversation. I want you to go out and make sure no one has entered the forest. If there is someone, kill them on the spot."

I look down, "But what if they don't mean any harm?"

"Do it anyways. It was their fault they came to the forest."

I sigh and nod, walking out of the room. I walk back into my room and notice that Olive is taking a nap. I leave a note on his hand.

Jacob has passed. When you wake up, you should say your condolences to Dave. They were very close to Jacob. I am apparently a guard for the forest now, despite Tawder's original orders. I will be in the forest if you need anything. I will see you later tonight.


I walk out of the room and stretch a bit before going to the entrance of the cave. I look at the weights on my feet and unlock them. I float a bit and feel a hand on my shoulder, and it is Tawder.

"Be careful out there. You never know what can attack you."

"I'm not killing anyone."

"And why not?"

"Why can't you just give them a chance to live by being in this group?"

Tawder glares at me a bit, "I can't keep too many people in this group. It's a lot of tracking."

"Whatever," I say and float off into the air.
A/N: and here I am again! So next part is going to be Dex in the forest, and Save Jeri Part 1 will be in the next part as well. Stay tuned, things are gonna be gucci here in a bit!
(Edited May 18, 2020)

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