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The forest below me is very beautiful. The trees are a dark green, a few with fruits in them. Most of the weeds are picked everyday so that flowers can grow. I did not know Tawder was a plant mom. It was a mild day out, not too hot or cold.

Later tonight, we are to start our plan of saving Jeri. I do not know who this person is, but I do know they are special to Hae in some way. Hae has told me about him a lot, and he seems like a dreamy guy. I am still dedicated to Olive, and that will not change anytime soon.

To be honest, I am very nervous about tonight and how things will go. Some of could actually die if we are not careful. Tawder put me with these people named Trey and Gia. I am only to fly them to the government, and then we split off into our chosen groups. I got put with Dave, Olive, Hive, and Tawna. I am guessing Tawder wanted us all together because of Jacob, which makes sense (surprisingly).

I sit down on a branch in a tree and close my eyes. I have been searching for trespassers for the past few hours, but no one has showed up. It was really boring out here, and I just really want to be with Olive right now in training.

Speaking of Olive, he now gets scales all over his face when he is flustered. What does that mean? Now the power that I analyzed from him copied the power again and my face gets covered in scales when I am flustered. Wonderful, is it not? Definitely not. Tawder hates it, especially.

I hear a tree branch snap and I perk up. I open my eyes and look around. I see no one at first, but then I am shot with an arrow. I scream loudly and hold my side, falling out of the tree. I land on my stomach and look up. It was a normal person with a bow and arrow.

"You filthy demons are not going to walk anywhere near us anymore!" He yells, aiming his bow at my head. My eyes widen and I stand up, holding my hands in the air in defense.

"I haven't done anything to you. What do you want?" I ask, stepping back.

The man laughs, "I have finally caught one of you. The government will be paying me a huge chunk of change when they see you."

I growl, "Why do you have to be affiliated with the government?"

"It's my life and passion."

"Oh fuck off."

The man grabs my neck and pins me to a tree. He sniffs my neck and chuckles darkly.

"Yep, you are definitely one of them. I can smell that leader all over you," he says, looking into my eyes. I kick the man off of me and grab his bow and arrow. Did he just try to sexually assault me? I kick the man's knees and elbow him in the stomach. I pin him to the ground and aim the bow and arrow at his head.

"You definitely have a nice angle from down here."

I shoot him right after he finished the sentence. This guy must be turned on by us, but why did he call me a demon? Was I really a demon? I fall to my knees and look at the arrow in my side. I pull it out, whimpering in pain a bit. I try to search for Dave's power of healing, but I cannot find it anywhere. I grumble loudly and stand up, limping towards the cave.

I occasionally leaned on a few trees to take a break. The pain was unreal. Who knew an arrow to your side could hurt almost as bad as a gunshot? I could see the cave up ahead. My vision was a bit blurred, but I could make out Tawder and few others at the entrance. Their figures started to get closer, and I smiled a bit.

"What happened out there?!"

It was Olive's voice, he was also with Tawder.

"A man shot me with an arrow and tried to seduce me and take me to the government or some shit."

My vision cleared up a bit. Tawder, Olive, Dave, and Hive were all around me. I was a bit shocked by Hive's presence, but I shrugged it off.

"I can heal you on the spot!" Dave smiles, putting their hand on my side, my wound slowly closing.

"We've been trying to hunt that man down for years after he's been assaulting all the females that have went on guard. He's kidnapped mainly all of the females we have had but a few, and after a while, I could not sense their body," Tawder says, watching Dave.

"So I did a good thing?"

Tawder nods, "I knew you would. Now, let's get you back to your room. We have got big plans tonight."

I nod and lean on Olive and Tawder for support as the five of us walk back to the cave. Hive was mainly quiet the entire time, which is strange since he is usually blabbering constantly about some random topic.

We reach my room and Olive lays me down in bed. Tawder closes the curtains as Hive walks out of the room.

"You are still able to fight tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to."

"Good, you and Olive need to meet with everyone else 9 pm sharp. Got it?"

The both of us nod. Tawder forces a small smile and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. Olive and I look at each other and giggle a bit.

"I have never seen Tawder genuinely smile."

"Me neither. Things must be going well."

"Let's hope that carries onto tonight."
A/N: oops, looks like Friday will be the beginning of the Save Jeri part of this story :333. Sorry that I lied, I needed to fit more things before this all goes down so that it's not all of a sudden. I hope to see my two readers then!
(Edited May 20, 2020)

To Save a Loved One (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now