China: You're late, again. Do you really value your coffee rather than your job?
Russia, remembers that he does Phil every morning before they even get up:
Russia: Coffee... Yeah..。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Russia: I have an ushanka to warm my head, gloves for my hands, socks for my feet, and-
Russia: *Holds Phil*
Russia: To warm my heart。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Russia, panicking: Hey, have you seen my husband??
Security guard: What does he look like?
Russia: Beautiful, adorable, adorable as hell, bright, perfect-
Security guard: ...other details?
Russia: Short
Phil, emerging through the crowd: hOY ANO BA。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Phil: Everything's fine, it's just a crush, I've had this before and I can get over it again
Russia: Hi
Phil: Fuck。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Russia: How do I know if someone likes me?
Ame: They would try to get your attention a lot
Indo: Probably tries to impress you
Malay: They might stare at you time to time for no reason
China: If you notice them suddenly light up when you're there
Germany: You'll see them kind of sad whenever you talk to someone else
Russia: *Looks at Phil*
Phil: *Immediately turns away with an embarrassed expression and hastily hides something*
Russia: Clearly no one likes me。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Russia: We should appreciate the small things in life
Russia: *Hugs Phil*
Phil: I love things that start with an r
Russia: :O
Phil: Rifles
Russia: :'0。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
China: So what if you and Phil could-
Russia, scooping up Phil: Yes. We'd like to get married。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Child: Dad, why is pa so angry when he washes the dishes?
Russia, grinning: Because he wants us to know that we don't help him do the chores
Phil *Agressively washes the plates*。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Interviewer: So how does it feel like to have a boyfriend who's so out of your league?
Phil: Uh... That's a little.. Well, I guess-
Russia: Incredible. Amazing. Fantastic. I honestly don't know how I got Phil and I still question why he would be holding my hands right now。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Phil: I only like one thing about you Ruski
Russia: D:
Phil: Everything
Russia: :'D。・゚♡゚・。💙。・゚♡゚・。・゚♡゚・。❤️。・゚♡゚・。
Russia: Okay, who the fuck broke my favorite hockey stick? You shithead better stand up or I'll beat the hell out of your idiotic and useless existance
Phil, whispering and tearing up a little: I-it was me..
Russia: Wait no fuck I'm sorry-