Chapter 7: Midnight Visits

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Kylo Ren's P.O.V.
       I can't believe that I was sent on a pointless mission. I was sent to an abandoned Resistance base on Hoth to try and find Rey. I am flying back to the finalizer and I am expected to land around 12:00 am. All these missions seem to be dead ends. I was in a transport with a handful of stormtroopers waiting to return back to our base to report to the Supreme Leader. He won't be pleased with my report.

       Lately I haven't been on any missions because of how soon the wedding is. Just the thought of me getting married seems out of the question. Even when I was younger and was training with Luke I was taught that love is forbidden. However, looking at my family tree with Anakin and Leia both being Jedis and falling in love with normal people makes me wonder if the Jedi teaching were accurate or not. But who's to say this marriage will even have love. At the moment I don't know how to feel about this marriage. I hardly know anything about this girl, but I can tell she is definitely different from her brother. She does not question authority and has yet to annoy me, unlike her brother. To be honest I never knew General Hux had any siblings. I just assumed he was a spoiled only child. His sister doesn't act like she was spoiled in her youth. She seems different. Even earlier today when she ran into me she dropped her mask for a little and showed kindness.

"Prepare for landing." Said one of the officers over the speakers.

       I was so deep in thought I didn't notice how much time went by. When the transport landed I was the first one off. I had to report to the Supreme Leader immediately. I walked to the room and waited for the familiar blue hologram to appear. It appeared not even a minute after I walked in.

"My young apprentice. What news do you bring me?" Snoke said.

"The base on Hoth was another dead end. By the looks of it the base was abandoned months ago." I said.

"Well, the resistance cannot hide much longer. The dark side will soon snuff out the light. Especially as tomorrow approaches. A new era of siths will arise after you marry that girl tomorrow. You do understand how important this marriage is do you not?" He said.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. I understand what I have to do." I replied.

"Good. Well I will not hold you up anymore." He said.

"Thank you Supreme Leader." I said.

"Before you go, make sure you review your vows and don't wear that ridiculous mask tomorrow. Understand?"

"Yes Supreme Leader." I said.

       And with that he was gone. Well it seems I won't be getting much sleep tonight because I've got to go over the vows. I started heading to my chambers, when I realized I don't have the vows or know them. Well looks like I will have to make a visit to Luna's chambers because no way in hell am I going to see Hux at this hour. So I walked to her chambers and saw a stormtrooper standing outside her door. I continued to walk to her door when he spotted me.

"Commander Ren, you are not authorized to be here. Under General Hux's orders you cannot enter this room." He said.

       I sighed and used the force to throw him down the hall. I entered in the code and walked in. Her chambers were pitch black so, I assumed that Luna was already sleeping. I turned on the lights and noticed I was in the dinning room on her quarters. I then walked to the bedroom area and knocked on the wall. She didn't move. I then turned on the lights and saw her start to stir.

"Why'd you wake me up I had alarm set?" She said as put her face in the pillows.

"I woke you because I needed some paperwork that you have." I said.

       I saw her whole body tense up as soon as I spoke. I could tell by the way she was acting she did not expect it to be me. She then rolled over and sat up. She was wearing a navy nightgown with spaghetti straps. Her blonde hair was a little messy and there were dark circles under her eyes. 

"Kylo, why are you in my bedroom at this hour?" She said.

"I need the vows for the wedding." I said.

"Well, I'm afraid to tell you that I don't have the vows." She said.

"Wait, what? Then how do you know what to say during the ceremony?" I asked somewhat nervous.

       If she messes up Snoke would have my head and would most likely punish her.

"Relax, I know what I'm going to say because I've been to over a dozen weddings in the last two years. So this is just a walk in the park for me." She said.

"Do you know where I could get a copy of the vows?" I asked.

"I'll write you a copy, because only one person has the hardcopy and they will not be pleased to see you at this hour." She replied.

       She rolled out of bed. I noticed that her nightgown only went to her mid thigh. She grabbed a robe that was in the chair next to her bed and threw that on. She made her way to the dinning room. I followed her at her heels. She stopped at the table and pointed to one of the chairs.

"Sit here, I'll be right back." She said.

       She walked out of my sight and came back with some parchment paper and a pen. Then she sat in a chair next to me and scribbled down the vows. Her handwriting was very neat and precise. After a few minutes went by, she closed the pen and passed me the parchment.

"That should be all. Your vows are circled. The ones that aren't are mine. It's very basic since we didn't have to make our own vows for one another." She said.

"Can we rehearse them?" I asked.

"Sure." She replied.

       I cleared my throat and looked down at the parchment.

"I, Kylo Ren , take thee, Luna Hux, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. I pledge myself to you." I said.

       I then turned and faced Luna say her vows.

"I, Luna Hux , take thee, Kylo Ren, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. I pledge myself to you." She said.

       It was fairly simple. I don't know why they wanted a rehearsal if it was only a few sentences long. I looked away from Luna and to the clock realizing it was 2:00 am.

"I should go. I have overstayed my welcome." I said.

       I stood up and grabbed the parchment. I started to head to the exit when I heard her sweet voice.

"You didn't overstay your welcome, you can stay a little longer if you would like." She said.

       I blushed behind my mask. She treated me as an equal and never seemed to fear me. But by looking at the bags under her eyes I knew she needed some more sleep.

"No, besides you and I both need sleep for the upcoming event." I said.

"Oh, right. Guess I'll see you at the alter." She said.

"See you then." I said.

       I then walked out of her chambers. I looked down the hallway and saw the stormtrooper from earlier still lying where I left him. It wasn't my mess to clean up. Someone would find him eventually and clear the hallway. I was walking back to my chambers thinking about the wedding. Will she fear the monster under the mask? Will she turn away from me in disgust? What will happen at the wedding? What will happen after the wedding? Only time will tell.

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