Chapter 1

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"You're 5 minutes late, Lay." my best friend, Scarlett comments, as I came into view from out of the woods I had travelled through.

"Yes, well, it's been a day to say the least." I reply, as I pull her into a tight embrace.

She squeezes me back and quickly pulls away before I can even give her a quick kiss as I always do.

Deciding not to dwell, I step over to Onyx who easily pulls me into a snug embrace and leans down to peck my lips.

"You two have been my closest friends since I came here. We have done so much together over the years... and asides from my family, there is no one who I trust more then the two of you." I begin to tell them.

"Which is why I'm asking if the two of you will run away with me. To go somewhere far and start a new life and future together. Not as lovers... just as good friends... with benefits of course, until one of us is bored or ready for a change." I continue, with a small laugh.

"It's not forever, just a new fresh start. No commitments, no obligations, just three friends starting over in a new place. Living normal lives and going our separate ways whenever one of us decides." I finish.

I watch them both closely for reactions. Scarlett is deeply frowning, and Onyx looks confused and unsure, making my stomach sink at the thought of neither one of them agreeing.

"Where is this... coming from?" Onyx questions uneasily.

"Roman came today... he said there's a war coming, and he plans to take me away in a matter of hours to help keep me safe. He's going to send me to live with a bunch of strangers in the middle of nowhere and I don't want to go, and I have no idea how to survive on my own outside of this realm, but you two have hundreds of years of experience! So, please, run away with me. Even if its just for a few months to help get me settled on my own." I explain, pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, Alayna... I can't. You will always be my best friend and I'll always love and care for you in that way... but last night... I found my soulmate. My future is now with her, here in this realm. Especially if a war is coming... I have to stay here and be by her side." Scarlett tells me, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"I completely understand, Scar, and I'm so happy for you! I never would of asked if I had known. Just promise me, you will take care of yourself and when the war is done... I hope we will meet up again and you can introduce me to the girl who was meant to be with you for eternity." I tell her, taking her hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"I promise. Thank you, Alayna." she replies, pulling me into one last hug.

"I'll leave you both to finish this decision." she tells us, before bidding us a final goodbye and disappearing in an instant thanks to her speed.

"So, did you suddenly find your soulmate too or do I maybe have a chance of you agreeing?" I ask playfully, as I turn my attention back to Onyx.

"Alayna, you know how much I love and care for you. You are by far the most beautiful, funny, strong-willed girl, I have ever met... not to mention, your blood is the sweetest I have ever drank in all my 250 years of existence. Having sex with you has been like having with a goddess, but I can't help you. Not with this." he tells me, taking both my hands in his.

"Why the hell not, if I'm so wonderful? You can feed me on every single day as many times as you want for all I care! Just please, help me get out here." I plead with him, doing my best to contain my arising emotions.

"It's because your special that I can't agree to this. Alayna, I have never seen Roman care for anyone the way he does you, not even his own children. If he's doing this to protect you, then who am I to go against him? Not to mention the fact that he's my king and I would literally be giving myself a death sentence by going behind his back and taking you away." he begins to explain.

"If it were under different circumstances and he was getting rid of you, then I would risk it for you, but this is for your protection and who am I to go against that? If anything, it's all the more reason to make sure you get home and Roman takes you to where you need to go." he finishes, leaving me speechless.

He wraps me up into a tight embrace as I stood motionless trying to figure out what I was going to do now. The two people I needed to help get me out of this had both let me down and now it was all on me.

Part of me wanted to say fuck it and run, but the logical part of me questioned how far I would get without being killed. I had lived around vampires for as long as I could remember and have only heard tell of the other creatures that roamed outside our realm, and I knew my useless human self wouldn't stand a chance against any of them.

"Will you at least kiss me goodbye?" I finally reply, as I turn my head up to look at him with a sad smile.

"I'll do you one better and walk you home too." he promises, and I give him a small nod before wrapping my arms around his torso and hugging him tightly.

"I'm going to miss this... all of this. My fathers, you and Scar and all the fun we have together... all the love you have all given me." I mumble, as my heart pangs with sadness.

"It's not a goodbye, Lay. It's a see you soon... and if were both still single when you get back, I'll gladly start fucking you again." he teases, and I pull away and roll my eyes at him.

"We'll have to see how good your game still is first." I tease back.

"My game never goes anywhere sweetheart, now let's get you back before Roman returns." he replies, and I let out a small sigh before taking his hand and letting him walk me back home.

All I could do now was hope for the best... and hope I can figure out an escape plan if things didn't.

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