Chapter 16

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~Unknown's P.O.V~

"I'm sorry, Sir. We've lost track of her. Her scent... it just... vanished." my second in command reports.

"All these demons and yet you still manage to lose her. Pathetic." I hiss venously.

"Get the witch, I want another location spell attempted." I command.

"Have someone deliver a message to the dragon realm. I think it's time for me and their king to strike a deal." I continue.

"As you wish, my king."

~Salem's P.O.V~

"Where's Alayna?" I ask, stepping into the cottage and only seeing Damian and Levi in the room.

"Shower... although, now that you mention it... she has been in there for quite some time. The water must be ice cold by now." Levi replies, with the smallest of frowns pulling at his lips.

"Apparently not cold enough, the water is still running just as much as when she first stepped in." Damian retorts.

"I'll check on her." I simply state, letting out a small sigh.

Of course, I would be the only one thoughtful enough to check on the poor girl.

I quickly make my way up the stairs and knock on the bathroom door.

"Angel, it's me. I have your clothes." I call through the door.

It's silent for a few moments... before her barely audible voice calls back.

"Okay... I'll be out soon." she replies.

I can tell by the sound of her voice that she has no doubt been up here crying but is trying not to show it.

"Okay... I'm here if you need me." I call back.

As much as I wanted to barge in and make sure she was okay... I knew it wasn't my place, and so with every ounce of self control I can muster... I slowly made my way back downstairs.

"I think I'll make something... comforting." I mumble, making my way to the kitchen.

"Sale, I love you, but I think offering her a drink... or maybe even a joint would do more then a comforting snack. This isn't a bad break up, it's unintentional murder. It needs something much more potent." Levi tells me, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm not sure that's..." I begin to reply, but he cuts me off by turning me around and pressing his lips against mine.

"Trust me, it is." he states, pulling away just long enough to say it before kissing me once more.

I sigh into his lips, deciding to give in despite how I felt.

A few minutes pass before Alayna finally makes her way down the stairs wearing a long sleeve crop top and high waisted sweatpants.

I pull her into a hug as soon as she's close enough and she gives me a quick squeeze before stepping away.

"Want a drink? I'm sure you could use one after everything." Levi asks her, and she nods her head.

I watch as he takes her to the kitchen and a few seconds later watch as she walks back with a whole bottle in her hand.

"So, Damian says you can help me control my demon side. Can we start now?" she asks Levi, the two of them joining me on the couch as Damian sits in the armchair.

"Slow down, little devil. I will help you and we can start tomorrow. Tonight, we relax." he tells her, making her frown.

"One night won't hurt anyone, Angel." I try to reason, but I can see the doubt clear in her eyes as she takes a large swig from the bottle.

"Fine... can you at least tell me how you plan to do this?" she asks curiously.

"I'm not sure that's the best..." Levi begins to reply, but Damian cuts him off.

"Tell her. She should know what you have in stock for us tomorrow." Damian states, making Alayna's eyes grow wide.

"Us? What the hell does that mean?" she questions, clearly irritated at the idea of having to do anything with him.

"I'll explain the process, as long as you stay calm and don't interrupt me. Deal?" Levi retorts, with a long sigh.

"Fine." she mutters.

"First, we start by seeing how hungry you are in the morning. If you're feeling the need to feed, we start right away. If not, then we work on your other abilities until you feel that hunger kick in. Then, with my guidance... you will feed off Damian." he explains, making her instantly jump up off the couch.

"Oh no. Hell no. Absolutely not. I refuse." she states clearly, but the trembling of her hands and fear in her eyes gives her away.

"Angel, we know your scared... just take a deep breath." I try to soothe, standing up and reaching out to her.

I watch as her hands begin to freeze over, a thin layer of icing slowly moving up from her hands to her elbow as she shook her head.

"No. No. No." she repeats.

I had never seen her so paralyzed by fear since the day we had met and to see her like this, hurt me. All I wanted to do was comfort her... bring her safety, but I didn't know how.

"Breathe, Angel." I say softly, cautiously reaching out and wrapping my arms around her.

Her whole body trembles within my embrace and I can feel the coldness of her hands pressed against me but I do my best to ignore it as I focus on trying to calm her.

"Press your ear against my chest, focus on the sound of my heart beat." I tell her, and thankfully she does as I say.

"Wrap your arms around me, squeeze as tight as you need to." I encourage, doing my best to brace myself for her cold touch.

I suck in a sharp breath as her icy hands and arms wrap around my waist as she gives me a small squeeze.

We stand there for a few minutes, and I gently run my fingers through her hair until finally feel her hands begin to warm and her breathing begins to slow.

"It's okay to be scared after everything that happened, but I promise we won't let it happen again. Damian won't be in any danger and he's the perfect person to use until you get a better handle on it. Worse case, if you take a little too much from him, you could always give him some of your blood to make up for it. That sounds fair, doesn't it?" I reason with her, and she lets out a small sigh as she gives the smallest of nods against my chest.

"Promise me that you won't let me kill him. Promise me." she pleads, looking up at me with terrified tearful eyes.

"I promise, Angel. The worst you will do is weaken him, but nothing more... and remember, that's the worst. If all goes well and you focus on Levi guiding you through it, that might not even happen." I reassure her.

"Okay... I'll...I'll try." she murmurs softly.

"That's my girl." I smile, placing a small kiss on top her head.

"Now, how about another drink, little devil?" Levi offers, as we pull away from each other.

"Please." she replies, with a small smile before wiping her left over tears away.

A few more drinks, some music, and some games and the rest of our night ends on a good note.

As I lay in bed later that night, wrapped up in Levi's warm embrace... I could only hope that I would be able to keep my promise and that things would end up going as smoothly as Levi thought they would. 

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