Chapter 26

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~Alayna's P.O.V~

"I can't believe we're finally here." I breath out, looking up at the vampire palace as we pull up in front of it.

"Let's hurry up and get this over with." Damian grunts displeased.

"Behave, please. The last thing we need is you in a pissy mood with your father before we even talk." Beau tells him, making him roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Speak of the devil." Crimson comments, making us all turn our heads to see Roman walking out through the front doors.

We all begin exiting the SUV we brought, and Lucien immediately laces his fingers through mine the second I'm out of it.

He had spent our whole drive with his arm wrapped around me as if he was terrified, I was going to magically disappear on him. I didn't know why he was being so clingy since I came back, but I didn't mind. I secretly enjoyed his every touch and wanting to always be next to me, but I would never admit it.

"Welcome home Alayna, son. I hope you had a smooth drive up." Roman greets, and I smile at him.

"We did, thank you." Beau begins to reply.

"We were hoping to have a word with you, about Alayna." he continues, and Roman nods his head.

"I didn't tell your fathers about your return, how about you go and surprise them?" Roman suggests to me, and I smile excitedly.

"Perfect." I grin, quickly letting go of Lucien's hand.

"Maybe I should go..." Lucien begins to say, but Beau stops him.

"We need you with us." he tells him, and Lucien's let out a long sigh.

He pulls me towards him and quickly places a kiss on my forehead.

"See you soon, baby girl. Have fun surprising your fathers, I can't wait to meet them after." he tells me.

"Thank you, I'll see you all in a bit!" I state, waving quickly before running off and heading straight to my parents house.

As soon as I reach their front door, I give a quick knock before opening it and stepping inside.

"Dad! Papa! I'm home!" I call out.

A small frown pulls at my lips when no one appears or even responds.

"Dad?! Papa?!" I call out louder, as I slip my shoes off.

I begin looking around and just as I peer into the dining room, all the air leaves my lungs at the sight before me.

Both my fathers were tied to our kitchen chairs with some sort of special rope that was keeping them stuck in place, with large pieces of duct tape covering both their mouths. Their eyes were raging with emotions, the most prominent one being fear.

"Hello Alayna." I hear an unfamiliar voice say from behind, just as a sharp pinch is felt in my neck.

I go to whip around and defend myself, but before I even get sight of the stranger behind me, everything goes black.


~Lucien's P.O.V~

We follow Roman into the palace, through his throne room and into his personal office before we all sit down across from him.

"So, what would you like to discuss?" Roman asks.

"We would like Alayna to return home with us, and we hope you will consider this after we explain why this would be beneficial." Beau replies, taking charge of the conversation.

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