Chapter 22

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My body was tired, but I manage to pull enough strength to hold back the falls as Salem asked. As the water finally comes to a halt and behind it is finally revealed, I can't help but frown.

"There's... nothing." I state, feeling confused as I stare at the rock wall in front of me.

"Huh... I really thought there was going to be a cave..." Salem mumbles sheepishly.

"Apparently not." I reply with sigh, before letting go of the water.

We watch as the water instantly begins to pour once again, falling a little extra heavy due to being held in place for a few moments.

"Well... at least we got your training in. How about a swim?" Salem murmurs, clearly feeling embarrassed by the lack of excitement behind the falls.

"Sure! You first." I grin, pushing him off the branch and into the water before he can even react.

I laugh as his head pops back up and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Really? You couldn't wait for me to take my shirt off first?" he groans, pulling off the wet shirt and setting it on top of the branch.

"That would have ruined the fun." I tease, removing my jean shorts and jumping in to join him.

We swim, chase, splash and wrestle around in the water for what feels like hours before just floating around and enjoying the peacefulness of it.

"Hey, Angel?" Salem calls out softly.

I swim over to him, and he wraps his arms around me as soon as I reach him. He holds me as I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him support our weight in the water.

"Hmm?" I question, watching him curiously.

His eyes are serious... yet anxious, and I can't help but feel on edge from it.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a small frown.

"Nothing... nothing at all." he quickly reassures, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"I'm just a bit nervous." he admits, before taking in a deep breath.

"I want to offer myself to you... for your next feeding." he continues, his eyes meeting mine with confidence and I can't help but my widen my eyes in surprise.

"Salem... I..." I begin to reply, but he stops me.

"I know I'm inexperienced, but I can help you feed too. It would give Levi a break and... I would like to experience intimacy with you." he states, heating my cheeks into a deep blush.

"Sale, I have to be honest... I wasn't expecting this..." I begin to reply, as I carefully consider my next words, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I really appreciate you offering yourself, and I also agree Levi could use a break... but I can't do that to you." I start to explain, quickly continuing as I catch the sadness appearing in his eyes,

"Not for your first time." I state quickly, making him look at me in confusion.

"What exactly... are you saying?" he asks, clearly unsure how to take my response.

"I'm saying, I would be more then happy to experience intimacy with you, but just intimacy for your first time. No feeding." I explain, and his eyes widen for a moment as a blush rises to his cheeks.

"Obviously, I'm not quite there yet but when I finally learn how to be intimate without feeding and if you still want to, I would be more then happy to. After that, if you still want to help me feed then that would be great too." I add, making him grin.

"Thank you, Angel. I look forward to it and will patiently wait until you're ready." he tells me, and I lean in, pressing a soft gentle kiss to his lips before pulling back.

"Before we go back, could you do me a favor?" I ask, and he raises his brows in curiosity.

"Get Levi out of the house for a bit so I can seduce Damian. We both know he needs the break and I'll have better chances of feeding off Damian if no one else is around." I tell him, and he bites his lip before nodding his head slowly.

"All right, but only because I've seen your progress firsthand and you have done very well at controlling yourself the last two feedings. I'll give you the night and return tomorrow morning with him. Does that sound all right?" he replies, and I nod my head as I squeeze my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Sale!" I thank happily.

Now all I had to do was figure out the best way to seduce the asshole.


-Meanwhile, in the vampire realm-

~Roman's P.O.V~

"King Roman, I am pleased to have finally been granted a meeting." King Evren of the elves, states as he and his queen step into my throne room.

"Tell me, King Evren. How can we prevent further bloodshed? I've stated numerous times that what you seek is not here." I state cooly.

"As I have stated numerous times that I will not leave peacefully until I have what I seek." he retorts, before sucking in a sharp frustrated breath.

"Perhaps, if you understood the importance. You would be more keen in handing her to me." he continues, and I quirk a brow.

"Speak." I simply state, hoping this insight would help me understand how he even found out about her in the first place.

"I believe it is better if you see for yourself. My word will simply not be enough. If you would, my queen has the ability of foresight. All you must do, is take her hand. She will show you what she has shown me." he tells me, and I let out a small huff before beckoning his queen towards me.

I watch as she cautiously makes her way up the steps and in front of my throne. She kneels before me before holding a hand out towards me.

I cautiously take it and within seconds her hand grips around mine and I am pulled into some sort of trance. I watch from afar as my precious Alayna stands before me, her eyes completely black and an evil smirk is plastered across her lips. I watch as a dark figure stands behind her, whispering things into her ear but I can not make out his face.

Fast flashes of death quickly appear before me, of her sucking the life essence out of many creatures, before I watch birth after birth of succubi and incubi coming from her until she has an army of her own children behind her and begins to use them to take over realm after realm. Killing whoever opposes her.

I rip my hand away, feeling a bit breathless as my eyes are wild from what I have seen.

"That... that is not her." I state, my voice shaking.

"Perhaps not yet, but it will if we do not stop it." King Evren replies, his voice calm and almost understanding.

"I will not sentence her to death. Not when she shows no signs of this monstrous behavior." I retort, more confidently as I get more of my bearings back.

"You misunderstand me, King Roman. I do not wish her death. She is still the last remaining fae after all. She is unique and special, but as we seen... she has potential for complete annihilation. We will not have a repeat of another succubi take over. It took too long to destroy the mass of them and even longer to recover." he explains, and I frown deeply as I narrow my eyes at him.

"If not death, then what is it you intend to do with her?" I ask, and he gives the smallest of smiles.

"Make her infertile, completely incapable of reproducing. As well as have her properly trained into utter and complete obedience. Should that be unsuccessful, we shall strip her of her demoness and hope she survives the process and remains a lone fae." he states confidently. 

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