Chapter 17

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~Alayna's P.O.V~

Our legs were entangled as our pussies rubbed against each other, both of us eagerly soaking in the pleasure it was bringing us.

"Fuck yes! Don't stop, kitten. I'm soo close." Crimson moans, turning me on more.

Her moans were the sweetest of sounds to my ears and the neediness within them had me quickening my pace, ready to bring her to the blissful climax that was quickly approaching her.

With one of my hands, I cupped her breast, moving my thumb and forefinger to tug at her harden tit as my other hand cupped her neck, pulling her closer as I leaned in and captured her lips in a deep passionate kiss.

Our lips part just enough as a loud moan escapes her. Her body begins to tremble as she cums against me, the wetness dripping out and landing on my pussy. I smash my lips back against hers with an intense need to soak up every inch of her desire and reach my own climax.

Without releasing her lips, I hold her close as I continue to grind against her, inhaling the sweet aroma that swarms around us, flooding my senses entirely. I breathe in the lustful, blissful, euphoria that is fueling within her, quickly reaching my own orgasm as my body began to drown in the pure bliss that I was getting from her.

I could faintly feel her hands trying to push against me, but I held her closer continuing to take in the energy that was nearly intoxicating me while fueling me with a newfound strength and power that was completely irresistible.

I felt her body begin to go limp... and still, I could not break away... I simply held her tighter against me. It wasn't until not a single ounce left her that I finally pulled away.

Like a bucket of cold water being dumped over me, I nearly scream at the sight before me.

Crimson's skin had lost every inch of its glorious color... her entire body was ice fold against me... and her eyes... her once beautiful, sparkling, lustful eyes... were now completely dull and lifeless.

"Crim... Crim..." her name begins to slip from my shaky lips.

I press my fingers to her pulse just a few inches below her jaw... waiting to for it to beat against my fingertips.

I wait... and wait... until a loud sob leaves my lips.

"No... no.. noo!" I scream, my chest pulling painfully at the realization.

"Please come back to me, please." I sob, cupping her face in my hands as I gently laid her against the bed.

"Please... Crim. I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." I sob, tears pouring at such a fast rate I can hardly make out her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." the words never stop repeating from my lips, as my chest squeezes with such pain that I hope to god it kills me.

Wake up

Come on, wake up..


My whole body launches up, as I suck in a sharp breath of air, as if I had been holding my breath before a loud sob leaves my lips.

"I'm so sorry." I cry.

"Your fine, everything's fine." Damian's voice tries to soothe, but I can still hear his agitation lacing through it.

His cool arms gently reach out and pull my limp body against him.

"Everything is fine, Temptress. Breathe." he tells me sternly, but his hands soothingly stroke my hair.

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