Chapter 6

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~Lucien's P.O.V~

I knew I was in hot water, from the moment I laid eyes on her.

I knew she was special, from the moment her hand touched mine.

Her room was directly next to mine, and with my heightened senses... it was almost like there was no wall dividing them.

I could feel the unfamiliar pull, that every wolf spoke of.

The one you experience when you find your mate.

I was determined to play it cool for the time being, to give her time to settle in and deal with the shit coming her way... but, much to my dismay. My determination was simply not enough.

The persistent, impatient, wolf side of me was struggling to keep away. So, when the scent of her arousal began filling my nostrils... I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back much long.

With every ounce of self control, I forced myself into my bathroom, attempting to get myself in a cold shower.

Just as I reached for the faucet, her soft quiet moans began filling my ears, breaking the final straw that was holding me back.

My hearing only continued to sharpen and soon I could even hear the sounds of her thrusting her fingers inside her wet pussy. I could hear as the wetness continued to grow and how her moans were getting louder.

My body moved on its own and before I knew it, I was standing in front of her door.

My cock had grown hard and was itching to be buried within the warm wetness that was waiting behind the door and it was taking everything in me not to throw it open and shove my cock deep inside of her and pound into her until she was screaming my name.

I tried to find the strength in myself to back away, but as her moans began to intensify alongside the quickening pace of her fingers, I knew she was just moments away from coming apart and this only had me wanting nothing more then to be inside that room.

I wanted her to be looking at me as she came apart, for me to be what was on her mind and taking her over the edge, but most of all, I wanted to go in there and lap up every drop of the sweet juices that were about to burst from within her.

Without meaning to, my hand reaches out and begins twisting the door knob and as the door opens, her eyes instantly land on mine, before the sound of my name rolls off her lips in the sweetest sounding moan as she reached her climax.

I watch as her body trembles, and her scent intensifies as her slender fingers become covered with her sweet cum, leaving my cock pulsing against my jeans which were much too tight at this point.

"Fuck me..." I breathe out, at the sight before me.

The words had meant to stay inside my mouth, but her seductive smirk tells me they had definitely snuck out.

I watch as she moves her hand away, leaving her bare pussy open for viewing. The wetness still glistening between her pretty pink folds.

Quickly shutting and locking the door behind me, I turn back around just in time to see her seductively sucking her fingers clean

"Want a taste, Wolfie?" she purrs, reaching back down and spreading her folds open for me.

"Oh, baby girl... I want so much more then just a taste." I tell her, my voice husky as I make my way towards her.

I can see the excitement in her eyes, confirming she was more then willing to go along with me.

I remove my shirt and jeans, her eyes eagerly racking my body before making my way onto her bed and settling in between her spread legs.

I wrap my arms around her hips, securely holding her legs in place before lowering my mouth and lapping up her sweet juices.

She tasted so sweet, I just couldn't get enough, making me determined to have her cumming once again into my mouth.

It didn't take much to have her moaning once more, and while alternating between her sensitive bud and delicious hole, I very quickly had her cumming once again.

"Fuck your good." she moans, her hands fisting into my hair as she rode out her orgasm against my face.

I moan against her as I lap up every drop from her, greedy for more.

Pulling my head away from her by my hair, she pulls me towards her, and I eagerly catch her lips as she reaches up to attack mine.

With one hand staying locked within my locks, she trails the other down my body until she reaches my tight briefs. She eagerly frees my member, and I lean towards her as she rubs the head of my cock up and down her wet folds before lining me up with her entrance.

Our kisses are hot and needy, filled with the passion I knew you could only feel with a mate, and as I sunk my hard length inside of her tight warm hole, I couldn't stop the small deep moan that left my lips.

"Fuck that's hot." she moans, between kisses as her legs tightly wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer against her.

With one hand held close to her head to support my weight, I reach the other down behind her lower back before grabbing her ass and lifting her towards me until there wasn't an inch of space between us.

I fuck her hard and deep with every thrust, keeping a slow but intense pace as her fingers dig into my hair and her moans begin to intensify.

As her walls begin to tighten around me, I quicken my pace just as my name leaves her lips once more and the sound is enough to send me over the edge with her, but I hold it back, riding out her orgasm for as long as it will go before pulling out and spraying my seed outside of her pussy.

She moans at the sensation of the warm cum hitting her sensitive bud, and I gently press the head of my cock against it, rubbing against as her body trembles with pleasure and heightened sensitivity.

"Mmm fuck... Luce... keep doing that and you'll have me cumming again..." she moans out, and I continue the motion, slowly adding more pressure.

Sure enough, within minutes, I watch as her body convulses once more, before gently placing soft kisses up from her stomach to her lips.

"Satisfied now, baby girl?" I ask her, with a playful smirk as I lay down next to her.

"Mmm, surprisingly yes... more then ever actually. Usually, I need another round but fuck. You hit it out of the ballpark." she tells me, with a soft giggle.

"Don't worry, baby. Whenever you need it, I'll be here and ready to fill your every need. " I reassure her, my tone playful but my words serious.

"I appreciate that... and I don't want to bust your balls, but I'll still need a little more then just you. It's not personal, I just like to have my cake and eat it to... and I enjoy many flavors." she replies sweetly. 

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